Chapter One - Alison

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        There was so much pain that she couldn't even focus on anything. She felt as if every inch of her body was on fire with no hope of relief. She couldn't even hear herself screaming as she withered on the cold, icy ground. A storm was supposed to be coming, a bad one, which meant that there weren't a lot of people out and about. The ones who were, didn't want to get involved in whatever kind of trouble she was in. The only relief she got was when she had finally passed out only to wake up in the same spot but it was lighter out, not night time.

When she woke up it was like everything was different. The glasses on her face hurt her eyes, she took them off and looked around in wonder. She couldn't remember the last time she could see without glasses on, yet here she was with more than 20/20 vision. She looked down at her body seeing she was covered in snow yet she didn't feel cold. She didn't feel anything. She remembered passing out after feeling so much pain but she felt great right now.

She stood up and brushed the snow off of her body before looking around. She didn't know how long she had been lying on the ally ground, from the looks of how deep the snow was, it was obviously pretty long. She racked her brain trying to think about what had happened, what caused her so much pain? The only thing she could remember was walking home from the Library, she had been returning books and without a car she had to walk. However, after walking away from the Library all she could think about was how much pain she was in and the present.

"Hello" A calm voice spoke startling the young girl. She turned her head to see a woman with a pixie cut looking at her with a soft smile on her face. She backs away from the woman fearfully but suddenly ends up on the other side of the long alley way. Her eyes widened as she looked at herself in confusion wondering how she had gotten here so quickly. "It's alright, we're not going to hurt you" She said.

"We?" The young girl found herself asking looking back up only seeing the woman standing there but a few seconds later a male was by her side. The girl gasped as the man seemingly appeared out of nowhere and pressed herself back against the wall. "What's going on? Please don't hurt me" She whispered pleadingly.

"It's ok, I'm Alice, this is my husband Jasper" She introduced slowly not wanting to startle the girl anymore than she already was. "We just want to help you, I know you're scared and confused but you can trust us" She said inching closer to the girl.

"What's your name?" Jasper said calming. He stood stiffly, it reminded her of a military man which only intimidated her. She averted her gaze to the ground hugging herself as she wished she was anywhere but here.

"Where'd she go?" Alice asked her eyes widening. "How did she-?" She asked looking at Jasper who was just as confused. One second the newborn was standing there looking extremely terrified and the next she was just gone. However, Jasper could still feel her emotions.

"I can still feel her" Jasper said looking at the spot she was standing in, perhaps still standing in. "She's still here" He said titling his head with curiosity.

"She's gifted" Alice realized. She didn't quite understand her gift yet but it was obvious that she had one. "I promise you, we're not going to harm you in anyway. All we want to do is help you" The girl looked at Alice still not trusting her. "Please" She said looking in the direction she thought the newborn was staying in. "It's going to be alright" She said softly making the newborn show herself. "That's it" Alice said with a smile. "Can you tell me you name?" She asked keeping her attention on herself figuring that it was Jasper that was making her nervous.

"Al-Alison" She stuttered still not making eye contact.

"It's nice to meet you, Alison" Alice said with a smile. "I promise you, everything is going to be alright"

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