Chapter Forty Three - Training

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        It was training day and everything felt all the more real. Alison watched as Jasper helped everyone get ready. She was extremely nervous. She hasn't won a fight against a vampire by herself, she's either lost completely or had help. Fighting newborns, she knew there would be a time or two where she'd have to deal with one on her own. She was scared that what happened with James would happen again. What if she didn't come back this time? What if she did come back but lost her memories again? The thought of forgetting Embry alone was terrifying to her.

Before she could scare herself even more the scent of the wolf pack snapped her out of her thoughts. She turned her head and relaxed seeing Embry. She watched as they all walked towards the Cullens in their wolf forms. Alison walked over wanting to be besides him. He nudged her with his head and she rubbed in between his ears. She was already relaxing and calming down just by being next to him.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms" Edward said reading Sam's thoughts.

"They came, that's what matters" Carlisle said not bothered by it. "Will you translate?" He asked and Edward nodded. "Jasper has experience with newborns, he'll teach us how to defeat them" Carlisle said.

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us" Edward said.

"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of life" Carlisle said before allowing Jasper to take over.

"Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army" Jasper said looking at all of them. "But no human army could stand against them. The two most important things to remember are, first, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. The second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you. Will. Lose." He said wanting to make that clear. "Emmett" He volunteered. "Don't hold back" He said.

"Not in my nature" Emmett joked before turning serious. Jasper either spared with everybody or watched them spare each other. He gave pointers and coached them not wanting anybody to get hurt.

"Alison" Jasper said looking at her. Embry glanced at her noticing how much more nervous she was than everybody else. Slowly she stepped away from Embry and stood across from Jasper. "You should try and stay invisible for as long as possible" He advised knowing that there was absolutely no way to find her when she was invisible. Her scent disappeared and you couldn't hear her, however, she tends to lose focus in fights which makes her visible again... vulnerable. "For right now I want you to stay visible" He said and she nodded trying not to tense up. Jasper undoubtedly intimidated her but he wanted to make sure she was ready. "Just relax, you have to stay calm or else they'll take advantage of you" He said and she nodded.

"I'm ready" She said and he nodded. A moment later she sped towards Jasper. She swung but he ducked wrapping his arms around her taking her to the ground. She slithered out of his grip by headbutting him which gave her enough room to get her feet in between them. She kicked him away from her sending him flying backwards. She sped towards him and the second he hit the ground he sped towards her. He went for her neck but she rolled her head out of the way grabbing his arm in the process. She twisted it behind his back before using her other hand to grab his head, she pulled gently.

"Good, very good" He said proudly as he tapped out of her grip. She smiled relaxing as he patted her arm. "You've made a lot of improvement, you're going to be just fine" he said and she relaxed. Hearing him saying that made her more confident about the fight. After training the wolves began to leave.

"I'll see you later" She said before kissing Embry's forehead. He nodded before leaving with the others.

"James wouldn't stand a chance against you now" Emmett said wrapping his arm around her neck.

"If only he was here for a rematch" She joked back and he smirked.

"Don't worry, you'll get your chance to redeem yourself soon enough" He said. "Those newborns won't know what hit them" He said and she smirked giving him a fist pump. Rose just smiled and rolled her eyes at them.

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