Chapter 6

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"Hey, kitten, wake up." Ugh! why do everything and everyone bother me while I'm asleep? "What?" I groaned with my eyes still closed.

"Get up before I rip you off my couch." He threatened. "Fine." I set up slowly so I won't get light-headed.

"I see you did your chores like your suppose to do. Its time to eat so come on." I got up and walked to the kitchen with him trailing on my tail.

I went up and took the food out of the oven and set it on the table. "Dinner is served," I said.

I grabbed my plate and piled the steamy deliciousness on it and set down.

I haven't even taken my first bite and Reyes cleared his throat. I looked up at him and his eyebrow was raised. "What?" I asked.

"Where's my food?" Is he blind? It's literally right in front of he's ugly... no scratch that, handsome face, that man is not ugly.

I got up from my seat, glaring at him and grab his plate and piled food then hands it to him. I set back down in my seat and started eating.

As we ate in silence, I can feel his eyes burning holes in my face. As much as I tried to ignore it I couldn't. "Do you have a staring problem? Because if you do you really need to get that checked." I snap at him looking up from my plate and look into his pierced blue eyes. "Watch the attitude with me, kitten, I don't think you would like me to give you a punishment now would you?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. He looks down at my crossed arms.

"Um... No thanks, I'm good" I said making a face. "Then lose the bloody attitude." He said looking back up at as he starts getting annoyed. "bite me!" I don't know where I got this 5-year-old sass from, but it's going to get me killed.

"What the fuck did you just say, little kitten?" He growled out threateningly. I don't know why I'm repeating it when he just heard me so I said. "...don't worry about it." And gave him a tight smile.
"Tell. Me. Now!" He bangs his fist on the table making me flinch. Talk about having a death wish. Artemis! Shut. Up! 

I gulp "I-I said bite me....sorry?" I watched him get out of his seat and walked towards me. I don't even know why he's getting so mad! Yeah, I gave him sass back but come on! He's acting like my father and my uncle! 

I slowly get out of my chair hearing it screech across the floor. "Reyes, please, don't." I went running, but he was too quick. He grabs my hair, making me scream in pain. "You want me to bite you? Fine." He took my arm into his mouth and bit down. Hard. I screamed really loud as he bites harder. "Reyes! Stop!" I used my other hand to prie his face off my arm. He released my arm. I fell to the floor holding my arm. He smiled manically down at the bite mark that he gave me. He bends down to my level and got into my face. Tears ran down my face, my lip quivering.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk don't fucking tell me what to do because I won't hesitate to give you a punishment. When you say bite me. I'm gonna bite hard. When you say take me. I'm going to fucking take you." He rubs my cheeks with his hands. He stands back up and grabbed my arms roughly and pulled me up by force. He pulls me towards his body "I want you to go to our room and take a shower and I want you out and in bed by the time I get in there. If not I will give you another punishment. Next time you tell me to bite you I won't fucking hesitate to do it again. Got it?" I nodded. "I said do you got it? Use your words, Kitten and look me in the eyes while doing it." 

I looked up at his dark lust-filled eyes a shiver runs down my body. "Y-ye-yes Reyes." I stuttered.

He releases my arm and I ran upstairs to "our" room and goes to the bathroom. I stripped out my clothes and jump in the shower. I hiss when the hot water runs down to my throbbing arm but tries to ignore it as much as possible. I don't want to piss him off more than he already is.

I get out and dry off with his towel. I wrap the towel around me and walk out. I go to his closet and grabs his sweatpants a tank top and put them on. I walk over to the bed and lay down and shut my eyes.

I open my eyes, feeling the urge to use the bathroom again. I get up and went to open the door, but it was locked and I heard the shower running.

Was I sleeping for a long time that I didn't hear Reyes come in?

I couldn't take it anymore so I did jumping jacks to see if that would help but it made it worse. I decided that I couldn't hold it anymore. So I bursted into the bathroom as Reyes was wrapping a towel around him. "What are-" I cut him off by pushing him out of the bathroom. A few droplets of water run down his arms and chest. As much as I wanted to stare I had to pee. "I have to use the bathroom!" I yelled and closed the door, making sure it was locked.

I did my business feeling a lot better. I washed my hands then walked out and met with Reyes in bed.

"I should you a punishment for acting like that, but I'm too tired so I will let it slide." He said with a yawn and closed his eyes. "Sorry, I had to pee so badly," I said in a small voice. He didn't say anything back so I just put the cover over my head and fell asleep.

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Peace out. 

The Monster Wants Me (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon