Chapter 10

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Reyes and I finally got to the mall. We went from every store to American eagle to Victoria's secret etc.

Reyes had to be the one to pick out my clothes and I was not happy because he would pick the ugliest clothes ever, but he did let me pick out some. 

He said, he didn't. "Want guys staring at something that's his," he said along the lines of that.

As Reyes looked around in Victoria Secret with lust in his eyes.

I looked around and I found this really cute bathing suit. I gasped. "Reyes! Come here." He walked over to me. "What?"

I pointed at the bathing suit. "I want it," I said in a child's voice and pouted. "Fine, but first give me a kiss." I gave him a blank look and mentally rolled my eyes as he gives me a smirk.

I got up on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek smirking when I see his turn into a frown. He glared at me. "What? You didn't tell me where to kiss you so that's not my fault." I said.

Then, we heard a laugh from behind us, making Reyes and I turn around. There was an old lady around her late fifties.

"Young couples are so cute. I remember when I was your age," She looks up like she remembering a memory.

"My husband and I were exactly like you too so playful and loveable," she sighs. She will never understand what it's like behind closed doors. "I miss him so much."

Tears slide down her face. I look up at Reyes and he was looking at her with a blink look on his face.

"That's cool. I don't care, now scram old lady!" She jumped and ran away. I gave Reyes a look and hit him on the chest.

"That was very mean of you. Why did you do that?" I spit out.

"What? She was annoying. I don't care about her love life and she was crying like a pussy." He explains. Wow, that was very mean.

What a sick cruel man that only cares for himself with no manners at all and with no feelings...well except for anger. I don't know how I'm going to live like this!

This guy is not even a human being, I don't know anything about his life, but it must have been pretty bad, still doesn't give any right to be disrespectful.

What am I going to do? I miss my friends Harley, I miss Amber, Dalton, and Dominic, but most importantly my parents. I just wish mom and dad were here they would have kept me safe from any harm.

They were so overprotected of me that it got annoying, but I miss that now.

My mom... She was beautiful from what I remember and from the pictures that I saw. I remember that she would sing me a little song to help me sleep at night.

My father... He was the cool type of guy he loved playing video games with me. He loved taking us out to get ice cream. He would tickle me to the point I was laughing with tears running down my face.

They loved each other so much. We all loved each other it was perfect until something bad happened and ruined our family and left me behind.

One casual day. Mom, dad and I wanted to go to ocean city and we were on the bridge halfway into ocean city. Well, me being a little kid I was fussing around. I wanted to go see the horses and it was a busy day and the roads were busy with people.

"Mommy daddy I wanna see horsies." Well as I was fussing they were trying to calm me down, "Okay sweetie just wait until we get there." they weren't paying attention to the road. It happened so fast, I didn't know what was happening. All I know was that we hit the water and that when everything went black.

It was all my fault i-i killed my own parents.

I didn't realize that Reyes was trying to talk to me. "Hey, are you crying?" He asked. I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt wetness on my fingers from wiping my cheek.

I shook my head telling him I don't want to talk about it. He sighed. "Fine, you will tell me later." I nodded unable to talk. Hoping he would forget.

Reyes grabbed the bathing suit and went up to pay for it. "Where do you want to go next?" An idea popped in my head. "Hot Topic." I was by now jumping up and down enjoy. I love Hot Topic so much that's where I get my band tees and cool gadgets.

"What's that?" Reyes asked as we started to walk there. I stopped and gave him a shocked look. "YOU SAID WHAT? YOU MEAN YOU NEVER BEEN IN HOT TOPIC!?" I screech everyone turned towards our direction "Will quiet down? People are staring." He whispers growls.

I squealed and grabbed his arm and run into the store.

By the time, I got done stopping in Hot Topic I had basically ended up buying the whole store and walked out with 20 bags in our hands.

When we got to Reyes's place. He helps me put my clothes away. "Man, kitten, you sure do get some good taste in music, it's kinda making me hard."

"Eww, gross. I'm good." I said disgustedly. "You're going to have to give in to me sometime, kitten."

"Yeah, we will see about that," I said and walked into the bathroom, took out my contacts and jumped in the shower.

Since I got done I got out and put on my new PJ's and walked into his bedroom. Here, he was laying in bed looking at her, making her uncomfortable. "Are you going to tell me why you were crying?" I sighed.

He's not going to let this go, is he? "I got my period and what you did to that old lady didn't help it. I'm an emotional person when I'm on it, okay? I lied partly because I had gotten when we got back. He nodded, still not believing me. Thankfully, he didn't push me.

I got in bed and fell into a deep sleep. I was super exhausted from shopping all day.

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Peace out. 

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