Chapter 12

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"Please, help me."

I said as I looked down at the ground, embarrassed on how I look.

Suddenly, I heard a soft gasp "oh my... come, child, come in." I looked up and looked into a pair of brown eyes that has a pinch of gold around the pupil.

An old lady staring down at me in worry. I nod and let out a small thanks as she moves for me to get inside. I walked in, taking in everything. Old time, I like it.

I've always like old-time houses for some weird reason. I even like to hunted ones too. "You got a nice place here, miss."

"Oh, please, call me Mary and thanks, this house used to be my mother's so many good memory's. Ok, let's not talk about me, let's talk about you. What happened to you, darling? What's your name, love?"

"My name is Artemis."

She looked me up and down with pity in her eyes. I let down a nervous sigh and fiddled with my fingers. "I-I was kidnaped by a man name Reyes McCoyed," her eyes widen at the name, probably had heard of him before, but I continued with my story.

"He said, he wanted me like I was his property. He would control me, touch me, and would do more to me all because I was his." By now I was in tears. "He took me from my home."

Then I was wrapped in a warm embrace. "Oh darling, you don't deserve to go through that, no one does. Ever."

After, I was done crying. Mary gave me her niece's clothes, who rarely visits her much because she's in College.

"Go upstairs, keep going straight all the way down the hall, the bathroom is at the end of the hallway." I nodded and walked upstairs with the clothes in hands and went into the bathroom and I was in awe. It's so pretty.

I went to the bathtub and turned on the water and checked the temperature of the water until I got it just right then I saw bubbles and decide that I was going to use some.

I stripped out of my clothes and dipped my foot in than my other foot and slowly set down, moaning.

I slowly closed my eyes and dozed off.

I couldn't see anything it was all black, but I can hear a voice.


"Kiiiiitten." The familiar voice taunting.

"I'm coming for you."


"Artemis, sweetie, are you okay!?!" A voice jolted me awake and water splashed everywhere.

"Y-yeah I'm f-fine." I shudder and looked around.

"I got you a towel and I've made dinner for you when you are ready to eat." I nodded forgetting that she couldn't see me. "Ok thanks."

"Your welcome, love." I could hear footsteps fading away.

I slowly get up out of the now freezing water and grabbed the towel that's out by the door where Mary left it and dried off.

Then, I put the towel around my head and put on the clothes that Mary gave me and walked out.

I went downstairs and walked into the kitchen. Mary was there reading some kind of book. I grab a plate from the dishwasher and started piling mashed potatoes, corn, mac and cheese, and steak and started to eat.

"What are you reading?" I asked.

"A book called beautiful creatures." Her eyes moving as she looks down at the book.

"Hmm is it good?" I asked.

"It's ok, it's not one of my favorites though." I nodded, chewing the food in my mouth.

"Would you like to read one of my favorite books?" She asked me, taking her eyes off the book to look at me. "Sure," I said. She needed nods and walks away, leaving me here to think.

What if that monster finds me? Oh gosh, I wouldn't know what to do. What if he tries to kill me as he did with Cassie or worse kill Mary? I'm not safe where ever I go.

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by Mary walking in with a bunch of books in her hands as she walks to the table she slams the books down with a loud sigh.

"Woah that's a lot of books you got there." I pointed out and she lets out a breathless chuckle. "Yeah, I love to read. Pick one." I walked up to get a closer look.

Some of them I have read, some of them I have not. There are so many to choose from.

As a kid, I always love to read. I always like to get out of reality when it acts like a bitch. I love to be in a different world all the time, but ever since I've gotten a job I quit reading because I needed the money and never had the time to sit back and relax.

I looked around the pile, ready to give up because none of them set my interest, but then I saw something that caught my eye. I moved the book that was on top of it and gasped.

"This one. I want to read this one." I said. I looked so cool even the name was cool. It was called. "THE MAZE RUNNER, by James Dashner"

I look up and I see Mary smiling at me. "Yeah, that was my first and favorite book ever. You can have it if you want."

I looked at her surprised. "Oh no, I cant this is yours; I just-" she cut me off by waving me off. "No sweetie you keep it. Now go read that book." I nodded and ran upstairs with the book in hand.

I walked into my room and jumped into bed opening my book to the first chapter feeling myself slip away from reality.

I can feel myself starting to love this book already. I felt like I was there in it. I felt like I was in the maze trying to survive without dying. I can kinda relate Reyes with the whole surviving thing.

I put the book down on my nightstand and get under the covers and closed my eyes falling into a peaceful dream.

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