Chapter 19

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I was shocked. He wants me to marry him?!?! Nooooo, no, no, no, not going to happen.

He fucking raped me and wants me to marry him, hell no. I can feel myself panicking. I can't say yes because I don't want to marry him, but I can't say no because of him getting angry and might try to hurt me again. I don't want that to happen again. 

"Um...?" Shit! What do I say? I looked down at Michael and I see him nodding his head yes.

And I slightly shake my head no, so that way Reyes can't see. Then Michael mouth to me. 'Do it so he won't hurt you because he will and forcefully make you marry him the hard way'. Out of all that I got the 'Do it' part. Reyes grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him. "Look at me and not at them, Kitten." I nodded, looking in the eyes of a monster.

I let out a sigh and let out a small 'yes'. I didn't want too, but he would hurt me and I really don't want to get on his bad side again.

Reyes slips the ring on my finger. It's pretty, but I don't want it, it wasn't made for me or for anyone for that matter.

"It's beautiful, Reyes." I put on my best poker face and looked up at him and let out a bright smile. "Good, because it is very important to me," I swear this guy is fucking possessed.

"Yeah." I looked away from him as we started moving down. When it was our turn to get off I was the first one to get off and went to the group.

Michael smiled at me with a pity look in his eyes and I smiled back. He gives me my teddy bear and I take it from him. "Hey, it will be alright, teddy?" I shook my head no. I was on the verge of tears. "I don't want to talk about it." 

"I want to go home." Tears came down my face. Zack comes up to me. "Hey maybe I can ask Reyes if I bring you to spend the night with Lillyan, would you like that?" I nodded.

"Ok well wipe those tears off before Reyes gets all pissy." I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and covered my face with my teddy bear.

Reyes comes up and kisses my forehead. "What's going on?" He asked. "Can Artemis stay the night at Lillian's and my place for the night?"

He scoffs. "No."

"Why not? It's just for the night." Zack argued. "Because Lillyan is fucking crazy I don't need my wife turning into that."

Wife? We're not even married yet, idiot. Lillyan's not that bad, well maybe a little. You're worse than her.

"Come on Reyes, she needs a girl to hang out with, to talk about whatever girls talk about." I could tell Reyes was trying not to give in then he sighs. "Fine. One night only."

I jumped up and down, squealing. "YES!" I fist pump the air. "Come on let's go home. I got to get packed. The last one to the car is a rotten egg."

I ran to the car. I was already there leaning against the car when the guys were still running. "Damn, chick your fast. Did you do track?" Bryan asked.

"Ha! About that, I was on track when I was in high school." I told them and got in and went home. Reyes and I didn't talk the whole way home and I'm grateful for that.

Maybe, Lillyan will help me found a way out of this place to get away from Reyes. I want to go home so bad.

I can't do this anymore. I have to leave. I can't always put on a good act so I don't get into trouble. It's just not working out for me.

I went upstairs and started to pack my clothes. I didn't hear Reyes come in until he spoke up. "You don't try anything when you get to my cousin's house, you got it?" I nod as he kisses my forehead.

He grabs my bags and takes them downstairs. I fiddled with my ring and let out a heavy sigh. I just have this urge to take it off and burn it.

I get up and walked downstairs and went out to the car. I looked over and see Reyes in Zacks' face. "You better watch her. I don't trust her with Lillian."

"Dude she will be fine. Their probably going talk about clothes, boys, make-up, or whatever girls like to talk about." Zack waved him off.

"Okay." Reyes takes out a cigarette and lights it. He turns around and sees me standing there. "You're ready to go?" I nodded.

"You better be good, if not there will be consequences." I nodded again looking down. He puts his finger under my chin bring my head up to look at him. "Use your words, kitten."

"Yes, Reyes." Was all I said and he kisses me and I can taste smoke that went in my mouth and he pulls away. "You can go now." I nodded and went into Zack's car and we drove off.

When we got to Zack's house I was stunned. It's a normal size house. "I may be rich, but I'm not a slob and do like to live normal."

I nodded and follow him inside. "Zacky poo!" Lillian's voice screeched and runs up and hugs him. I looked down but looked up when I heard a gasp.

Lillyan ran up to me and gave me a big huge."I heard what happened and I so want to beat my cousin's ass for it. It made me so mad that he did that."

She pulled back and she had this angry look in her eyes. "Thought I kinda glad that you did say yes because he doesn't take no for an answer and he would forcefully make you marry him either way. You see Reyes chose you because he needed a wife beside him to complete the gang and to follow his father's footsteps." She explains.

"Babe! You weren't supposed to tell her that!" Zack yelled at her. "No Zack! She needs to know what's she's getting into since my dumbass cousin doesn't tell her shit!" She screamed back at him. "He's dangerous for her we all are." Her voice went low.

"Why me? Why did he want me?" I asked.

"He said that you would be a good Queen and help people make the right decisions and could put everyone in their place with the sass that you have. You guys can rule the world and have everything we want, even you." She rolled her eyes. "He's fucking crazy like his old man." 

She grabs my hand to look at the ring. "I am so sorry you had to go through this nightmare. He didn't have the best childhood his father made him like that, but a hell of a bit worse than his father." She slowly takes Reyes's ring off my finger and set it on her coffee table.

"Come, enough of Reyes let's watch a movie. Mean girls okay?" I nod and Zack groans. "But babe we just watch that yesterday." I went to the couch and sit down as Lilly puts mean girls in. "Oh well."

During the movie, Zack was asleep, Lilly was on her phone, and I was looking at my finger and the ring. It feels so much better off, much lighter too.

"Babe wake up let's get to bed. Artemis there's a guest room right beside ours." I nod and Zack groans. We all got up and walked to our room.

I closed my door and lock it then went to the window and made sure it's locked too. After I checked I went to the bathroom and change into my nightgown and walked out. I ran and jumped in bed then got comfortable.

In a long time, I could actually sleep.

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