Chapter 8

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Later in the afternoon, the boys are down stairs watching some tv and I'm sitting in the bedroom staring out in space bored out of my mind. I finished my dumb chores. The boys got done doing there gang talking and decided to watch a game of football.

"Kitten, can you bring us some beer!" Reyes yelled from downstairs ."Why can't you get it? I'm not your slave!" I said with a little sass.

"Kitten!" He said in a warning tone. I huffed and walked down to the fridge and pulled out the beer and walked back to them. "Here," I said handing them the beer.

As I was about to walk back to our room, I felt a hand grab me by the waist and pull me down on his lap.

I tried to get out of his grip, making his grip tighten and a voice whispers in my ear. "Kitten, you better stop moving, your making it hard not to take you, Right here. Right now."

My eyes widened as I can feel his erection poking me. "St-stop." I stuttered, feeling my face heat up. "St-stop." Reyes mocked me in a girly voice.

"I don't sound like that. Just let go." I struggled against him. He growled. "No! Stop moving." I let out a heavy sigh and slowly relaxed in Reyes's arms. Eventually, I had gotten bored of watching tv.

I can feel myself drift away into the darkness, but before the sleep takes over, I can feel Reyes's hand rubbing my thigh.

"Hey, what are you doing with her?" Fainted voices said as I felt myself being lifted from the couch. "I'm going to put her to bed, then we can discuss more gang business." I heard Reyes say.

"R-Reyes." I mumbled, "shh, go back to sleep my, little kitten." His voice whispers above me. I nod and close my eyes drifting to sleep again.

(A/N: I decided to do Reyes's POV so here it is hope you like it.)

I smiled slightly, knowing that my little kitten went back to sleep in my arms. She was mine. She was ALL mine and ONLY mine. She will never leave me.

I kicked the door open with my boot and walked in. I walked up to the bed and tried to lay her down, but realized that her arms wrapped around my neck.

I let out a small chuckle and slowly and carefully unwrapped her arms so I don't drop her and lay her down in bed.

Then, I walked downstairs in the kitchen and leaned on the counter.

She just drives me insane. And I'm not the one to believe in 'love at first sight'. In fact, I never believed in love but that night, when I saw her, she like so innocent and so untouched it's like she had lured me in like a fishing reel. I shivered when I knew I had to have her. So I went home and looked her up until I found her identification. Yeah, I know a little stalker-ish, but I can't help it. It wasn't hard to find a 19-year-old girl with blonde hair and greenish-blue eyes. She had no boyfriend, her parents died at the age of 10, didn't really say how about she lived with her uncle who was highly strict and didn't care for her until she turned 18. He kicked her onto the curb and gave her a "cheap" house to start out. She was and is an only child. She struggled through school but managed to get through it. It didn't say if she had any friends. Maybe, she's an unwanted outcast.   

I don't normally go for women like her. I go for the sluts that like to open up for me, but her there something in her I can see and that's what makes me want her all to myself.

I think she's the one. The one who can take me out of hell and put me into a peaceful light and I will admit that I'm a monster, I did some horrifying things to people for my entertainment and I laugh about it all the time. My Queen.

My childhood wasn't the best. I hated it. Trying to please my old man is like a bitch, everything I do I get a blow in the face or a kick in the ass.

But, but this girl will be by my side. She will be the queen. She will be the one to hold my children. She will help lead my gang. But most importantly she will be my wife. I just need to break her.

"Hey, man, what are we going to do with Luke? He stole our money and our guns."

I hear Michael say, breaking my thoughts. "We track his gang down and get information out of them if not kill their families in front of them. Luke's going to be hard to find, but if he finds out that his gang is dying off he'll have to come out of hiding. " Michael trailing behind me into the kitchen.

"You like her don't you?" Michael said putting a hand on my shoulder. "She's going to be useful to the gang." Was all I said.

"Just don't break her heart men. She seems like an innocent girl who doesn't need her heartbroken." Michael said, taking his hand off my shoulder. I shrugged his hand off my shoulder. "She's mine, Michael. You may be my friend and a member of this gang but you still have certain limits. Don't dig yourself a hole that you can't crawl out of, boy." I warned him. He nodded. 

Michael always has good advice. He mostly cares for girls and respects them. Unlike the rest of us, we like to fuck them and throw them away like a piece of trash.

Once, we all said our good-byes, they left and I walk up to kitten and I's room. I stripped out of my clothes and left on only my boxers and got in bed.

Normally, I like to sleep naked, but since my little kittens here I won't do that yet.

I wrap my arms around her small thin waist and pulled her closer to me so that I know she's here with me. I close my eyes, slowly falling asleep.

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Peace out. 

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