Physical Shifting

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Q - I know that physical shifting is impossible, but could you talk about your opinions on it? Lots of people in the therianthropy community are still hugely confused and it'd be nice to shed some light on the very controversial subject.


A - I think this question could take an entire video (book) of its own to answer completely. There have been many other members of the community who have written good responses about physic shifting and how it's impossible.

I will refer you to Lupa's writing. It's called "Why Physical Shapeshifting is Bullocks" and I will provide a link to that under the video or transcript.

A lot of Therians wish we could shapeshift, and we enjoy imagining what that would be like or daydream about it. We might ask each other, "If you could change for a day, would you?" However, that's not the same as believing it's possible or claiming the ability without any proof.


Lupa "Why Physical Shapeshifting is Bollocks" The Green Wolf, July 6, 2012. 

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