Why so many canine Therians?

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Q - Why is there so many canine Therians???


A - This question has probably been asked and answers a few hundred times by now in the history of the community. It would take a whole other video to go over all the hypotheses behind it. Maybe I will make another video about that in the future. But so many people have hypothesized about it and written about it, and there are other videos about it on Youtube. I think just doing a little bit of research will lead you to some answers, but I'm also going to link to a writing by Elinox titled, "Why so Many Wolves?". You can start there. I really wish people would take some time to search for answers that are already out there about this questions, because I feel like we are just beating a dead horse.

"Why so Many Wolves?" Elinox, February 17, 2012. https://lupineinstincts.wordpress.com/2012/02/17/why-so-many-wolves/

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