Therian Packs

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Q - I also wanted to ask how Pack ranking works? And what do the different ranks usually do? I get that each pack is different, but I want to be sure since I am starting a pack. I also wanted to know what specific things I need to do in a pack or more specifically to run it. I've also tried to find information on this, but sadly didn't find much on the internet. I wanted to know if you had any information on fights between packs? I don't really know how they are done, and I feel as one of the Alphas in my pack I should know this information to be a better leader.

Q - What are the best ways to maintain a pack?


A - Next, I had a couple people ask me about Therian packs and how Therian packs work. First, I will tell you my personal experiences of packs. I don't have any since after my awakening. My only experience with a pack, if you could even call it that, probably not, is just pretending to be animals with my friends way way back in elementary school. Sometimes we pretended to be dogs, horses, and other animals. Sometimes we play-fighted. But we had very little knowledge of real animal behavior, and we were just kids having fun.

I also want to note that I'm not in touch with those people any longer. However, I'm fairly certain that they are only human-identified and don't identify as anything else. Just because you and your friends have a Therian pack and you're pretending to be animals right now and you're young doesn't mean that all of your friends will keep that label or identity when they get older. So don't be upset with your friends if later they say, "I'm not that thing." Everybody has their own path through life and their own experiences.

I feel like most Therian packs and human groups are nothing like real wolf packs or groups of wild animals such as elephants, orcas, horses, or flocks of birds. In the Therian community, one big difference, is that Therian packs are formed by some of the youngest members of the community. Real animal packs and groups are lead by middle-aged or the oldest individuals. The oldest individuals usually lead in the wild because they actually have the most life experience and the most knowledge of where to find food, water, and other resources. They might also have the greatest knowledge of migration routes.

In the Therian community when it's the youngest members who are creating these packs they might not have very much knowledge of life experience or Therianthropy. I think the focus on being in packs is much greater than it should be because a lot misinformation or no information about Therianthropy is being shared with everyone. This can be causing incorrect information to be spread or no information at all. I think this is contributing to the meaning of Therianthropy being lost perhaps.

In real wolf packs it's usually middle-aged or older individuals who are leading the pack. It's because they have more experience with hunting. Usually they have hunting methods or techniques that keep them from being injured. That means hunts are more successful, there are fewer injuries. The pack is healthier that way. Usually elder members take care of the puppies at the rendezvous site. But I don't think roles or ranks are really set in stone as much as we think they are. The concept of an alpha has been debunked by the very scientists who hypothesized it. I will try to find some links to that. There are a couple write-ups and videos about "the alpha" being debunked.

To be a good leader of a Therian group I think you actually need to have some knowledge of Modern Therianthropy and what this identity means to people. If you know that what you are doing is strictly for roleplay and you aren't actually identifying as nonhuman, then just call it roleplay. When you are sharing information about Therianthorpy to your friends don't tell them that you're the only source of information. You actually need to let them be free to research on their own, go outside of the group for advice from others, because these groups are actually really isolating in a way. So you need to let people be curious and explore other options.

The people in your group need to be able to research and figure out things on their own. A good leader is one who is honest with themselves. They are open and transparent about what they expect from themselves and they are also open and transparent about they expect of the group. Use diplomacy during all arguments. Make sure you get both sides of the argument or both view points. Don't play favourites with anyone, and you want to treat everyone equally.

A good leader is a role-model of behavior. I think most Therian packs are of people who are still of school-age. Maybe being a good role-model means that you keep your grades up and you help everyone in your group study and keep their grades up. Maybe you show them that you can get all of your chores done that your family has asked you to, and maybe you can help them get their chores done if you need to. Leadership is service, volunteerism, and sacrifice. You want to have a genuine connection to the people in your group and show them that you genuinely care about them. It's going to take time to be with them, time to help them. It can also be mentally and emotionally draining sometimes to be the person that everyone leans on, so make sure that you are capable of doing that and putting yourself second if you're going to be a leader.

People should look up to your for positive reasons not because they are afraid of you. Or because you threaten them like, "I'm going to jump on your if you don't follow me." People shouldn't be worshiping you or anything like that. If people have ranks or roles in the pack or group then they should be doing it willingly and not because you are threatening them. There should be no monetary value given to the leader or services performed only for the leader's sake. All tasks should be performed for the betterment of everyone.

As for Therian packs fighting...Real wolf packs only fight because they might need more territory for more food or resources. Wolves fighting is a life or death situation. Therian packs usually have a "territory" in a public park or a public area. To be honest, there is no reason at all for Therian packs to be fighting. You should all be kind, nice, and civil to each other and get along and share the space. You can play-fight for fun if you want to. In a way, it could be good exercise. But fights should not be serious for any reason. Be civil to each other. Be helpful to each other. Because fighting for "territory" in Therian packs is kind of childish.

I hope that gives you a better idea of real packs and how to be a good leader in a Therian group. If you have any further questions you can let me know. I will try to answer them.


"Alpha Concept" Dave Mech Wolf News and Information

Dr. David Mech retracts "alpha theory" in wild wolf packs.

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