Phantom Shifting

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Q - If you know you have at least one Theriotype but repeatedly have phantom shifts with different limbs than that Theriotype but are unsure what that Theriotype is would you be considered a Polytherian? And how could I find out what this Theriotype I'm experiencing phantom shifts from is? I'm thinking it could possibly be a Pegasus, but I'm unsure.


A - I think I might have said this for one of the earlier questions, but finding a second therioside is not a different method from figuring out the first therioside. You could be experiencing cameo shifts. We're not really sure why we experience cameo shifts. Humans are pretty empathetic creatures. Maybe you have been around horses recently. Or horses and birds. Maybe you are just feeling horse-like right now, temporarily. Human also just experience a lot of random body phenomena that we're not sure about. So we don't even necessarily have to attribute some of these things to Therianthropy at all. Yes, you could be a polytherian too. It's really up to you to make that decision. Again, I recommend keeping a journal since these are happening repeatedly and have happened for awhile. I do know of some Therians who had cameo shifts for years. But they still didn't consider that animal to be part of their identity. You can keep that in mind as well.

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