Quizzes and Research

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Q - Hi, I'm new to being a therian. I don't really know what to do with research and stuff. I just took a bunch of quizzes. I had fox, and I looked at the results, and human was there to. I'm still trying to take more quizzes to find advice because I don't know what to do. Can you help me find my therian type?


A - First of all, quizzes are not a good way to find a theroiside. Quizzes are not in any way personal or unique to you. They are in no way connected to your subconscious or your inner self. Quizzes are just for entertainment and fun. I wouldn't but any value into the results that you get from them.

Remember that Therians and Otherkin are still physically human. Therianthrope, if you break down the meaning of the base words, actually means animal human. Our experiences are both. Really I think you should ask yourself if you have experienced any Therianthropic shifts, have you felt nonhuman first, before hearing about or finding the community online. That can really help you make that decision. It's important to examine your own mindset and your behaviors and maybe attribute something to being nonhuman. 

Is your mindset or instincts outside of what might be considered normal for a human beings? You can ask yourself if behaviors or things you experience can be attributed to only an animal? Can they be attributed to humans and animals? Or is it only something that only a human would do? It's really up to you to examine your own experiences. This is self-examination, introspection, mindfulness. I would suggest that you also keep a journal if that's possible. It's really up to you to make that decision based on everything that you know about yourself and about Therianthropy. I would start with learning the basics of Therianthropy if you don't know what the shifts are or any terms that are used in the community. It's really important to know some of that first as well. So I would start there.

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