Mistaken Therioside?

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Q - Have you ever mistaken a therioside?


A - At this point, at the recording of this video, the answer is, "No." The circumstances of my life and awakening meant that I just kind of knew what I was. I just knew that I was a wolf inside. For many years, I did question whether or not I was a Therianthrope. I questioned the belief in Therianthropy as an explanation for my experiences. But I knew that if the underlying belief of Therianthropy stayed with me and the identify of being a Therianthrope stayed with me than my therioside would be a wolf.

Have I questioned being a polytherian? Yes. I've looked for other animals that kind of explain who I am, but nothing has really fit as well as wolf has. Wolf just kind of encompasses everything that experience. I'm okay with being one therioside or I'm okay with just having one animal identity.

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