Start a Youtube?

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Q - What's the first thing a therian/otherkin should know when starting a youtube channel around their identity?


A - You need to be okay with receiving criticism about your beliefs or questions about your beliefs. You need to be okay with receiving criticism about the quality of the videos and the quality of the information that you present. You are likely to have your content taken and put into cringe compilations. There is always that concern. You may also receive trolling or hateful comments from antikin or just people who choose to be ignorant and closed-minded. My suggestion for those is to just ignore them, and it's best to delete them instead of interact with them.

That concludes all of the general questions that I had about Therianthropy. The following chapters will be questions related to my personal Therianthropy. 

Question and Answer with UlfrvifWhere stories live. Discover now