Chapter 8

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Baraqiel appeared in a flash of lightning and asked this time forcefully,"Why did she have to suffer, Rahab? Stop running and answer me!" As Baraqiel let loose his lightning bolt, Rahab's wings moved to cover him on instinct as he donned on his armour. As the lightning hit the feathered dome, Rahab winced in pain and his wings receded to allow the lightning to pass through to graze the side of his stomach. Rahab's instincts overcame him and a few dozen light spears appeared around him revolving around him as a wall. When another bolt approached two light spears took the blow and the rest were launched towards Baraqiel. As Baraqiel expertly dodged the spears and let lose a lightning from the sky that hit Rahab in the back due to him trying to dodge. He opened up a small abyss rift and conjured a shield of darkness over himself, which reflected the lightning onto Baraqiel. As Baraqiel was pushing him back into a corner, Rahab led him away from civilization and over the open sea in a hour. Truthfully, he didn't want to attack, his powers over the abyss scared him when he was only a four set, as a five set he didn't even want to try. As the attacks stopped he dropped his guard only to be hit with a lightning sword in his stomach. As he stumbled back blood leaking from his mouth, Baraqiel realised what he had done. Michael, along with Raphael and Gabriel descended from the heavens feeling the tremor in the belief system. Gabriel quickly caught Rahab and began healing him after giving Baraqiel a unhappy glance. Michael lifted his sword to end Baraqiel only to be stopped by Rahab who weakly said,"Do..don't Mi..Michael...It's not...worth re...restarting the...war." Michael hesitantly lowered his sword as he said,"Raphael, bring Asia back please...We'll take Rahab to the medics till then." Raphael nodded and flew at a fast speed towards Asia's location after giving Baraqiel a disappointed look. Michael looked at Baraqiel and said, his avenging form in full display,"Know this Baraqiel, only Rahab has saved your life. I have no qualms about ending you right where you stand, because you've attacked a Angel today." Baraqiel landed on a nearby island after they left, clutching his head, what did he just do, he attacked his own brother out of rage for something he had no control over. His wings surrounded him in a dome as he cried. After a hour he took out his phone to see Akeno had messaged him, saying he should calm himself down before meeting her again. And another from Shemhazai which just said,'Return. We have to talk.' As he teleported back and entered the council room, he was hit in the face with a solid punch by Azazel,"What the hell did you do?! You stabbed him in the stomach! For what?" Baraqiel kept his head down, he knew he had it coming, he had injured the youngest of them. He muttered ashamed,"I was angry." Azazel slapped him,"You know what you could have done!? He was mindful enough to put some distance between your daughter and you! You could have killed her if it wasn't for him! For so many years you looked, this is what would have happened to her!" Baraqiel kept his head down. Azazel was held back by Shemhazai and made to sit. Azazel drank the glass of water and then threw it down in anger, as the metal clanged, Shemhazai said,"I'm giving you a weeks leave. Get your head straight and return." Baraqiel nodded with his head down and muttered,"I'm sorry." Azazel yelled,"Say sorry to the person lying in the Heavens hospital not us!" Baraqiel left the room without another word.

In the Underworld, Falbium Asmodeus was furious, he swiped everything off of his table in anger. Baraqiel had attacked the Unfell Angel in anger. If it hadn't been for the Angel's unwillingness to fight, this could have meant war straight away, seeing as how Michael was in his avenging form. He walked to the interrogation room when Rias was being held and opened the room to see the Gremory family comforting her. As he opened the door everyone's eyes were on him, as Sirzechs was about to speak, he yelled,"Out, Sirzechs! I don't have the patience or the time to deal with you!" Sirzechs shut up instantly, knowing fully well a awake Falbium always meant trouble. As Sirzechs led the Gremory family to the observation room, Falbium kicked his chair with such a force that it impacted the side wall to form a dent. Rias who was already scared of the man was currently downright terrified. He put the recently taken photos in front of her and said harshly,"Well congratulations on starting a war." As she looked at the photo she saw the angel at her school being stabbed by a fallen angel. Asmodeus continued,"And if you're wondering who the fallen angel is it's your Queen's father. He was so angry that he lashed out on the first supernatural he saw after his daughter told him of your subjugation spell." He put the image of Michael midway of raising his sword in front of her and said,"Give thanks to whoever you like, because that Unfell, saved your life again, because he stopped Michael from executing the Fallen." As Sirzechs and his family heard what had happened, they lowered their heads in sadness and embarrassment. Falbium left the room, shutting the door with a loud bang after saying,"Sister of Sirzechs or not. Either you forfeit your life like a soldier or issue a apology to the Grigori council and the Pure Seraphs. I want your answer by tomorrow morning." Lord Gremory looked down in sadness while Lady Gremory was staring at her crying daughter in apparent anger, before any of them could move to comfort Rias, Lady Gremory moved to the door and said with her anger in full display,"I'm going home, Sirzechs. Call me when Rias decides to take her punishment, because it will not be the end of it." As Sirzechs went outside to stop his mother from leaving after a few seconds to take it in, he found her bowing to Lord and Lady Sitri,"I ask you to forgive my daughter's mistakes if you can." Sirzechs's breath hitched when he saw Lady Sitri wiping his mother's tears and saying,"We can forgive her in time, but Sona has decided to stay separately for some time, she was not able to handle the breach of the unquestioned trust she had in Rias." Lady Gremory nodded and left. Sirzechs caught Serafall's disappointed look as she took her parents away before they could notice him.

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