Chapter 24

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It took Raziel only a few minutes to appear before the exorcists in a golden cross, making the two girls bow in reverence of the angel that appeared before them. Ayato gave a lighter bow than the two exorcists being under the command of the other angel. Raziel nodded at them then frowned as he looked at the malevolence that saturated the air and asked,"Do any of you have the Aura measuring gun?" Irina nodded and offered the gun to Ayato who pointed the gun in the direction of the church and almost blanched,"Irina, are you sure that the gun was configured properly?" Irina nodded but Raziel asked,"What colour?" Ayato grimaced and replied with a unconscious shiver,"Black. Pitch Black, Lord Raziel." Raziel's frown deepened as he raised his hand to the sky and muttered a enchantment that covered the entirety of the church in a huge dome. He said after looking at the church for a few seconds,"This my child is not the work of Devils. This was most definitely a Demon." Xenovia asked hesitantly,"There is a difference?" Raziel frowned at her,"You should know this child if you're a exorcist. Devils are closer to humans in a way. But Demons, however are the corrupted entities of malice and sin." Ayato said with a shiver,"Demons can possess people. They need a host to live in, on the mortal plain. Whoever sent that message was merely a bait. Or the incident itself is a bait." Raziel tensed at Ayato's words and said,"You should return to the Vatican, children. I have placed a barrier. I'll need to call Uriel to cleanse this place with Holy Fire. Else the Darkness will linger for a very long time."

Ayato grimaced then asked,"Father Dulio has taught me some, sir. May I help clear create a boundary around it?" Raziel looked at him then gave a small nod,"Very well then, I need a quarantined area outside every doors and windows. Will you be able to do it, while remaining outside?" Ayato nodded then turned to Irina,"Can you get me the latest blue print of the Cathedral." Irina took out her PDA, then opened and showed the cathedral design to Ayato. Ayato took out his normal light sword and stabbed it into the ground after switching it on. As he started channeling Holy Energy through it, Raziel took out his phone and called a number,"Uriel, I need you to come to St. Paul's Cathedral in London. We need to purify it with Holy Fire." As the initial bits of fire ignited at the contact of the sword to the ground and started moving towards the church, Raziel continued,"We have a stray Demon....Yes, it has killed everyone inside....A Ace is here....Rahab's....Yes, we're doing basic quarantine. We need you, fast. Bring a small contingent that you can spare." Xenovia and Irina could only watch in shock as the boy in front of them control white fire that had begun covering the outside of the church.

Xenovia was arguably surprised and a bit jealous that her friend that not revealed such a remarkable thing to her, after all, there were only a few angels that had a ability to used Holy Fire. Add to that, that Ayato was only 'human', she was dumbfounded as the fire rose to the higher windows to block access. Raziel looked at the scene then nodded,"Irina, correct?" Irina nodded with a bow,"Yes, Lord." Raziel hummed,"Take your friend and go 200 paces back and stay away from the man holes." Irina nodded and was followed by Xenovia; as they left Raziel turned to the building and spoke to Ayato,"Good work Ayato. And good instincts. This might have gone very poorly had you three gone inside."

Ayato nodded with a shiver,"Yes, sir. I can only imagine what I would have had to do if one of them was possessed." Raziel looked at the wince on his face then nodded,"You averted it. That is all that matters. But for the Demons to try something like this..." Ayato grimaced and asked,"What will we be doing?" Raziel sighed lightly,"The Seraphim will have to have a talk with Adam, however grudgingly it might be. Most have never forgiven the man for what he did. It was something only 'Severity' and 'Violence' had foreseen in the beginning." Ayato looked at the Angel in surprise,"The Serpent Samael and Lord Rahab." Raziel looked at him partly surprised at how quickly he had formed that answer, then nodded,"Azrael, the sealed Angel of Death was also suspicious. I'm sad to say most didn't give them credence. Severity and Violence were odd for angels; both Zealous in Father's worship until they rebelled in a sense." Raziel check the two exorcists that were talking to each other at a distance but made a small one way sound barrier for safety,"Samael or the Dragon Eater as he's called, and Rahabel or the Unfell Angel; They were the only two who begged in front of our Lord, for forgiveness. Samael who had done the crime for giving the Apple of Knowledge to Adam and Eve, did so to prove that both of them were susceptible to sin. Rahab on the other hand, gave the knowledge of the Abyss to a human, regardless of whether he would have died or not, Abyss has a tendency to drive people insane as it contains the origin of the Emanations; but I digress, that day was a sad and a hectic one, many fell due to honest mistakes...The Fall of the Watchers as it was called was never a good affair. Samael was given the curse of poison. And Rahab was given the curse of isolation. As it is, both were visited by Father. I can only imagine what they talked about, but being Archangels once, both were close to father."

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