Chapter 4

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"Illegal auction house? Shouldn't the local governor be the one to handle this kind of case?", Cheng lazily asked, though he already knew it was not just any auction house. Some powerful influences must have been involved for the auction house to arrogantly run in the capital.

"I wouldn't have called you back here if it was that simple.'' Zhuang then continued with a calm tone as if the topic of discussion was about today weather.

"I suspect that minister Wei is behind this. Gather all the evidence that proves his involvement in this case.",Zhuang.

Cheng was not really surprised to learn that Minister Wei was the mastermind. This minister Wei was one of the high ranking officials in the court. He has been serving the royal family for almost two decades now, even before Wang Zhuang reign. Because of this reason he started to abuse his power while thinking that the young emperor, despite his intellect and wisdom, was still young and greenness.

"Do not let anyone know of this plan. I want minster Wei to think that i am still oblivious to what he is doing. After all, I want to let my prey has some fun before I slaughter and eat it. Isn't it more fun this way? Seeing its face twisted with confusion and fear.",Zhuang.

Cheng shivered a bit at the sight of his brother's blood thirst eyes. Only he knew how sly and cunning this brother of his can be while others see him as generous and merciful emperor. After receiving a few instructions from Zhuang, Cheng rose to his feet and stated,"Then I will be taking my leave."

Zhuang replied with Mnn sound and went back to his paperwork. Cheng sighed again and shook his head. He bet that the flower in the emperor's garden would have fight with those pile of scrolls for the emperor's attention if they can. Cheng inwardly laughed at his own silly thought and silently made his way out without anyone noticing.


Still half conscious, Xingfu struggled to flutter his eyes open. He then realized that both of his eyes were covered and his arms were also bounded tightly with thick rope. A wave of panic and fear started to take shape inside his mind. He started to wriggle around and screaming for help but it seemed that no one can hear him. No matter how much he struggled he can't free himself. The friction between his delicate skin and the rope grazed the skin around his wrist caused him to gasp because of the sharp pain.

Knowing full well that his attempt to free himself was futile even with all his effort and screaming till his throat hurt, Xingfu tried to calm himself down and recall what was going on. Thinking back, there was nothing unusual happened during his stay. The only odd thing would be the food he had for dinner. Xingfu remembered that after he finished his dinner, he felt oddly sleepy although he was awake and refresh because of the warm bath. In a matter of second, everything went black and here he was, lying in this dark place.

It took him a moment to comprehend this situation. The inn owner must have drugged me. Perplexed with this turn of event, another question popped up inside his mind. Why did the inn owner do this to him? He didn't have anything valuable beside a little money and his shabby baggage. Pondering over the question again and again he still could not come up with an answer.

After some times had passed, Xingfu heard a click clack sound. It appeared that someone was unlocking the key outside the room. Immediately, the doors were swung opened. Thumping footsteps could be heard, Xing could make out that a few people were making their way toward him, although he could not see anything. Fear again crept into mind.

"Who are you? Where am i?", He tried to sound brave but failed miserably because he voice was shaking so violently.

Without saying a word, those few people harshly dragged Xingfu outside. Xingfu made an attempt to break out of their grips and screamed,"Let me go! Help me!!"

At the time, one of the men was about to slap Xingfu to make him shut up, but another man stopped him and wispher in panic,"Stop! Are you insane? Madam Yu told us not to hurt this brat. He is a valuable good."

Valuable good? What are they talking about?

"Hey you shitty little brat, If you don't shut up, next time I am going to beat you for real. Don't say I didn't warn you."

In a split second, Xingfu heard a familiar voice."Why are you so slow? Hurry up and bring him to me!", That was Madam Yu, the inn owner.

The piece of fabric that covered his eyes was taken off. His vision was still blurry. He fluttered his eyelids a few time till he was able to clearly see again.

"Little beauty, did you sleep well?"Madam Yu sneered at Xingfu with an obvious wicked glint in her eyes. There was no longer any hint of the easy-going inn owner that Xing saw several hours ago.

"What do you want from me? Please let me go. I do not have anything worthy with me",Xingfu knew that came on strong would not help, thus he tried to be reasonable and negotiate with the woman.

"Not worthy? Your beauty itself is worth a fortune. Do you not aware of the enchanting look you possess? Especially these pair of gorgeous eyes." Madam Yu has been doing this kind of business, aka human trafficking, for ages. How could she not recognize that Xingfu was a diamond in the rough at a first glance? Not to mention his unique eye condition. She could not help but beamed gleefully knowing Xingfu could be bid at a high price.

"Don't worry after you are sold to the rich, you will be living in wealth and do not have to worry about anything but satisfying those pigs...well as long as they still favor your look.", She then chuckled with an obvious mocking tone.

 Cold sweat started to break out. Xingfu's complexion that was already pale now has become a shade paler when hearing all of her vicious plan to sell him. He tried to fight back but Madam Yu signaled one of the guards to hit him in the gut. The force was enough for Xingfu to almost pass out because of the intense pain. He involuntarily fell down to the floor and wriggled in pain.

Meanwhile, Madam Yu pulled out a small glass bottle from her long sleeve. "Drink this and you will feel good."

Xing clenched his mouth shut, not letting Madam Yu pour the content in that bottle into his mouth. This time he got another kick in the gut, therefore caused him to scream out in pain. Madam Yu took this chance to grab Xingfu's jaw, poured everything in and the covered his mouth not letting him spilled the weird tasting water. Xingfu started to choke. He did not have a choice but to swallow it.

After a short while, the effect started to kick in. Xingfu could feel the burning sensation, little by little, running throughout his whole body. His pale skin turned flush red. His eyes half closed and misted with lust and anxiety. Aphrodisiac....

"This drug is not that strong. It is just enough to stop you from resisting too much.", Madam Yu.

Till next week........

Fateful Encounter [BL]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora