Chapter 11

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"Greeting Emperor brother." Cheng respectfully kowtowed.

"You may stand up" Wang Zhuang.

Cheng's eyebrow twitched as he could not believe his ears. He was just messing with his brother as always but who would have thought his brother actually played along with his silly taunt while wearing such a tranquil expression. He must have drunk the wrong medicine today!

Cheng decided to drop the act and comfortably settled himself down at a small table nearby the throne. He was clearly aware of the reason why he was summoned today. Obviously, it was no other than the matter related to Xingfu. There was nothing he could hide from his omnipotent brother. So instead of covering up this affair, he was waiting for his brother to take action.

The only thing that worried him was that he did not know how Wang Zhuang would react to this. One way or another, he must protect Xingfu at all cost.

Despite all the train of thought, his calm façade masked all of his uneasiness.

Meanwhile, Wang Zhuang was diligently writing remarks, praising the local official of Caizi province who excellently handled the matter of drought that had been occurring recently. He did not spare Cheng even a single glance.

Cheng was patiently waiting until half an hour had passed. At long last, Wang Zhuang finished the last stroke and put down the brush. Then he directed his gaze to Cheng.

"In three days, the envoy from Huan will arrive at the border." Wang Zhuang.

"So it is that time of the year." Huan was the neighboring country of Jin Sheng. Every year, they would bring the tributes to Jin Sheng in the purpose of showing their gratitude and strengthening their alliance. Of course this so-called alliance was not unfeigned. They were waiting to strike the moment Jin Sheng showed any weakness.

Usually, one commander will lead a troop of a thousand soldiers to escort the envoy to the capital. His brother telling him this could only mean that he wanted him to play the role as a commander.

"I recommend Commander Ding." Regardless of the fact that he knew he would be the one to shoulder this responsibility, he still wanted to test the water.

Wang Zhuang solemnly give Cheng a 'You're death if you dare to refuse.' look. His glance was as sharp as a dagger.

Cheng coughed a few time and said, "I heard that recently commander Ding had a handful of troubles himself with the rebels at the Southern border. I should to be the one to go after all. Brother, what do you think?"

Wang Zhuang gave him a nod, seemingly satisfied with Cheng's response, "If you insist on handling this matter I won't stop you."

Cheng almost spit blood all over the table. Insist on handling this matter?? Like a saying goes, Give them an inch and they will take a mile. He had been silently following orders even after he resigned from his post. Who would have thought that his brother would shamelessly give him more and more works?

Cheng helplessly sighed in his heart. Who else could he blame but himself? Who told him to be such a dutiful younger brother? He was destined to be bullied by this damned Wang Zhuang!

"Of course we brothers should always help each other out." Cheng replied with a not-so-sincere expression.

Wang Zhuang decided to ignore his brother's unwilling gaze. His expression turned serious. "While you're there, observe the situation at the border and report it back to me."

The relaxed atmosphere was suddenly replaced with a grave one. Using the escorting mission as a shield, Cheng was to go and inspect the situation at the border by disguising himself as a low ranking commander.

"Understood", Cheng gave a firm and resolute reply.

Seeing that Wang Zhuang did not intend to bring up the matter relating to Xingfu, he felt a bit relieve.

"Servant" As soon as, Wang Zhuang's voice rang out, a few eunuchs holding trays full of scrolls trotting in. They put it down in front of Cheng and quickly left.

Cheng looked a bit surprised but he quickly concealed it. However, it did not escape Wang Zhuang's eyes.

"This is?" Cheng gave his brother a questioning look.

"Open it."

Cheng picked up one scroll and open it up. As soon as he saw the content inside, his body was immediately stiffened. He looked at Wang Zhuang with disbelief.  

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