Chapter 21

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Right that must be a mistake.

Ding Lun reassured himself. He must have mistaken it. There was no way his highness would be happy to see him, a lowly servant.

"Why are you still standing there? Take a sit."

The emperor's magnetic voice woke Ding Lun from his train of thought. He immediately followed as the emperor had seated down.

"Sit here." The emperor gestured at the stone chair beside him. Ding Lun felt a bit flustered but his expression remained solemn and respectful.

The table was full of exquisite dishes specially made only for the emperor. Since there were no servants around to do the test the food, Ding Lun grab the chopsticks and taste every dishes on the table to ensure that there was no poison.

Afterward, the two silently enjoy the meal with uttering any words or small talk. Ding Lun could barely savor the hardly come by royal cuisine. His eyes kept darted toward that long slender fingers holding chopsticks and wave around in front of him.

Various inappropriate thoughts unrestrainedly popped up inside his head making it hard for him to swallow the food.

"When will you leave for the border?" Ding Lun's heard thumped. His unfocused eyes were now back to its usual sharpness at the mention of serious business.

"Your majesty, this minister will return to border in 3 days if his highness permitted."

"Since the matter at the border has already been stabilized, you no longer need to return. I will send someone else to overlook those restless eyesores. I have already found a suitable post for you in the capital."

Normally, the matter of changing a high ranking minister such as general was not easy. Telling a person who had tasted power and controlled thousands of army to suddenly give it all back was the same as banishing them from their position. A general without an army was no different than a low ranking court minister. How could anyone tolerate that?

But that anyone happened to be Ding Lun. Not only was he willing he would also hand over the seal even before the emperor could open his mouth.

"Does your majesty have any candidate in mind?"

"Qi Ying"

Hearing this, Ding Lun brows slightly furrowed. Qi Ying was the newly appointed general from left minister household. Although he had been in the military for quite some times and had achieved many success, he was still too young and inexperienced.

"Your highness, pardon my frankness but Qi Ying hasn't been to the south and might not be able to fully understand the situation there. I ask his highness to let me assist him until he could handle everything perfectly."

"This matter I know how to take care of it. You just have to stay put in the capital."

Although his expression was unreadable, Ding Lun could feel that the emperor's tone had become a tad bit colder as if he was displeased.

Ding Lun immediately knelt down to the ground.

"This lowly minister does not mean to offend his majesty."

Not uttering a word, Wang Zhuang got up and fleek his sleeve as he left the pavilion. Ding Lun remained kneeling and unmoved. Such a rare chance of sitting so close was gone in just a minute because of his carelessness. Did his majesty really believe the words of those treacherous ministers and thought he wanted to take over the border troop? Is that why he was angry when he insisted on returning to the border?

Just like that Ding Lun had completely misunderstood Wang Zhuang intention.

When he was still deep in thought, he heard a subtly footsteps approaching the pavilion. It turned out to be Xiao Gu Zi, the eunuch in the Yulong Place.

"Esteem general, it has been 3 hours. His highness said that you should go back to your resident."

Three hours? It's been that long? Ding Lun stood up and brush the dust from his attire.

"Does his highness not sleep yet?"

Xiao Gu Zi flinched at he heard the question but Ding Lun didn't seem to notice. "This... I don't know either. I was told to come here by the head eunuch."

Ding Lun did not inquire further and left the imperial palace with heart full of restlessness.

As he left, behind him came a silhouette clad in black watching as Ding Lun's figure was further and further completely out of sight.

Only then did the person walk into the pavilion. Seeing him, Xiao Gu Zi abruptly knelt down.

"Did he ask?"

"Yes, I've followed your highness instruction."

"Good. Do not speak any of today matter."

"This servant u-understood.""

"You can leave."

Hearing this, Xiao Gu Zi did not idle and immediately flee as if he had been saved.


Hi It's been a while. I don't know how many of you still following this story. Shoutout to @pushisinung for posting the message. After this month i will try to update on a regular schedule.

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