Chapter 6

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Xingfu was sleeping soundly in his bed until the loud and lively dawn chorus of the chirping birds interrupted his sleep. He rolled around a few times and then sluggishly rose up. Somehow, he noticed that his body felt oddly tired. He stretched his weary body a few times and yawned. When he got out of the bed to find some water to moisten his dried throat, he realized that he was in someone else's bedroom. Xingfu came to a halt while he narrowed his eyes and confusingly examined his surroundings. He rubbed his eyes a few times to make sure that he did not seeing things, but everything remained the same. Where am i? How did I get here?

In an instance, last night event suddenly flooded back like an unstop torrent. What happened before I lost my consciousness? Was I already sold?  So many questions occurred inside his mind. His heart sank at the thought that there is a high chance that he might have been bought already. Madam Yu's words automatically replayed itself inside his mind. He was meant to be sold as male pet or to be exact prostitute.  His shoulders shrank back down in fear. He must not dawdle and let his fate be sealed like this- he had to flee from this place as soon as possible. 

As soon as he settled on the plan to run, the door made a creaked sound as someone pushed it open. The sudden sound made Xingfu jumped in fright. What a bad timing! He quickly recovered his sense and put up his guard. The next moment, a man, carrying a tray of breakfast, made his way in. He placed the tray on the table and approached Xingfu. Xingfu quickly backed away looking like terrified kitten.

The man frown and asked,:"Do you feel unwell? Does your body hurt anywhere?"

Xingfu violently shook his head while still cautiously studied the man in front of him.

"Who are you?", Xingfu asked in a slightly shaky voice.

That man act like he did not hear the question while he motioned Xingfu to sit down at the table," It is good that you're fine. Now come here and have some congee first. You must be hungry."

Although the man in front of him did not seem to have any bad intention, Xingfu could not drop his guard yet because he had learned his lesson the hard way. That is why he refused to move from where he was standing.

"Hurry up. The congee will get cold soon. ",That man urged Xingfu with the same expressionless face.

"Ahhh so it's like that." After a pause he continued," Do you want to be spoon-fed?"

Xingfu eyes widened in disbelief. Which part of his action implied that he wanted to be feed? Xingfu quickly defended himself. "No I am not!"

"Then eat. We will talk after you finish your breakfast."

"I am not hungry. I wanted to know how did i get h----"


His stomach betrayed him again by growling loud enough for the other man in this room to hear.

".........", awkward silence.

"I will tell you anything but you need to eat first.", his tone has become a tad bit softer in persuasion as if he was coaxing a child to eat his veggie using candy as bait.

Crossing his arms defensively, Xingfu cast a brief look at that man's stone cold face and then at the hot steamy congee and buns. His resolution started to waver thanks to the savory smell of freshly steamed meat buns that made his mouth water. The doubt still remained inside his mind, but at the end his stomach won over his brain. He hesitantly gave that man a slight nod and slowly moved toward the table and seated himself across the man. No army can fight on an empty stomach. if I want to run there are plenty of opportunities.

Feeling content with his own decision, Xingfu picked up the bowl of congee and started to gobble it down. After he finished, he stuffed his face with the delicious and juicy meat buns. Not too long after he wolfed the food down too quickly without chewing properly, he started to cough and choke convulsively.

"Slow down. These buns are all yours. There is no need to rush.", that man reassured Xingfu while pouring tea into a cup and passed it to him.

Xingfu coughed until his eyes began to watering. He gulped the tea down in one go while that man attentively poured him another cup. When he finally calmed down and his stomach was already filled, Xingfu was in his defensive mode again. The reason was that he could feel that man's eyes intensely fixed on him. His gaze made Xingfu shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

Could no longer withstand this suffocating situation, Xingfu decided to break the ice by getting straight to the business, "Did you bring me here last night?". 

Xingfu looked down at his sweaty palm to avoid that man's burning gaze. He wanted to know what happened but he could not directly mention about the auction. Although the chance is small, nevertheless, he wanted to hold on to the glimmer of hope that he was saved rather than 'bought'.

"So what if I did?", That man directed the question back at Xingfu while leisurely rested his chin on his hand and slightly curled his lips in amusement. His cold demeanor earlier was completely vanished and replaced by a playful attitude.

Cheng could not help but wanted to drive this young lad into a corner and teased him. His pouty and helpless face was really adorable. Last night, he brought this boy back on an impulse. As a matter of fact, he ,himself, could not even make sense of his own action. He only knew that this is the first time he is genuinely attracted to someone and a male on top that . His look is indeed oddly beautiful for a boy but Cheng has seen more beautiful young boys that were given as tributes from the countries that were in an alliance with Jin Sheng. His eyes condition was also not the case since Cheng had come across a tribe, at the southern region, with people featuring this unique condition while he was travelling. Well I will figure it out one day.

Seeing that Xingfu has become more and more anxious as the time slowly passed by, Cheng finally answered after he had enough fun teasing this boy.

"Last night, I bought you from that place." 

His little ray of hope was shattered by the bomb that Cheng had just dropped. 

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