Chapter 19

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A few days later, Xingfu deeply regretted his hasten action. Wang Cheng was really passionate in teaching him how the actions between lovers should be conducted.

Every day they would walk hand in hand wherever they went. Whether it was a stroll around the street or somewhere as close as from their room to the restaurant inside the inn, their hands were tightly linked. Xingfu had already became numb to the stare that the inn manager gave them every he noticed their hands.

When he felt sweaty and tried to pull his hand away, Wang Cheng would say he was not a diligent student. If he still protested, he would be pulled into a hug.

The matter of holding hand was one thing, the intolerable thing was the routine of morning and good kiss which recently had become increasingly long. Not to mention the fact that he would be used as a human pillow and got squeezed every night.

From day to day Wang Cheng became even more clingy that it scared him. He doubted Wang Cheng would even follow him to the toilet if he could.

At this point, Xingfu could only sigh helplessly. Who told him dug his own pit and only realized that it was too late after he had jumped in.

Who would have thought the Wang Cheng before and after they became lover would change so much?

He started to doubt if they were the same person. How did this person suddenly become so shameless overnight?

"What are you thinking?"

Wang Cheng's inquiry voice interrupted his train of thoughts.

"Nothing. Are you done?"

Wang Cheng reached out to grasp Xingfu's hand as he answered. "Mnn. Let's go."

As they were leaving their room and checking out, the inn manager was indifferent to their linked hands but he secretl muttered to himself "Ahh young folks these days are so bold."

Xingfu turned a deaf ear to his words as they approached the exit.

Right now, they were preparing to leave Dayung province and headed to the capital. Since they left the capital they had not yet reached the southern part of Jin Sheng so the journey back would take less time.

As they exited, Xingfu immediately spotted a glistening black horse. It galloped and jumped impatiently as if begging them to ride it. Xingfu's eye brightened upon this sight. He carefully approached the horse as gently patted its back and face to let the horse be familiar with him.

"Do you like it?"

"Enn" Xingfu answered but his eye did not leave the horse. Suddenly, Wang Cheng felt depressed. Even the horse got treated better than him. His face was covered with black line.

After he had gotten used to this mild tempered horse, Xingfu mounted it like the how Wang Cheng had taught him a few days ago. Then Wang Cheng took the reign and walk in the front to ensure Xingfu's safety.

Actually he wanted so much to ride the horse with Xingfu but two people might be too much for the horse so he abandoned the idea.

Last night he proposed to ride a carriage, this way he could sit closed to Xingfu and ehemm eating tofu. At that time Xingfu agreed but his expression said otherwise. He looked so hurt and betrayed since Wang Cheng promised to let him ride the horse the other day. As a result, Wang Cheng could only discard any ulterior motive and accept his fate.

He turned to look Xingfu who was on the back of the horse. The young lad gave him a beaming smile until eye narrowed into a crescent shape. His whole face radiated unconcealed happiness.

Well as long as he is happy.


A short chapter after a long time. UwU

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