Chapter 5

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"This drug is not that strong. It is just enough to stop you from resisting too much.", Madam Yu.

"Ple....ase....d-don't...I beg you...", Xingfu whimpered while tears streaming down his face. These people ignored his sorrowful state and continued to drag him inside the main hall onto stage without much difficulty because Xingfu's body had already become jelly.

As soon as Xingfu's face had come to light, the atmosphere turned so dead quite that one could hear coin drop. Everyone was astonished and stupefied by the sight of the bewitching beauty on stage. The lantern lights illuminated his porcelain white skin with a tint of pink making it glow like the finest jade. His collar was slightly loosed showing his delicious pink flower buds that were now erected because of the drug. The most enchanting of all were his pair of unique eyes that were now misted with lust and fear, provoking the beast inside every man. He gave off a very seducing and inviting aura as if he was waiting to be trampled and devoured.

After they dropped Xingfu on stage, Madam Yu started to boast,"This is today's special item. A rare beauty with unique eyes condition.", Madam Yu then grabbed Xingfu's hair and yanked his head backward to avoid him from hiding his face. Xingfu did his best to resist although he did not have much strength left. But the more he resisted the more he felt like his scalp was about to be torn apart from his head because Madam Yu tightly grip his waist length hair without the intention to let go any time soon. While he was struggling he did not notice the hungry wolves in from of him drooling and looking at him like a piece of delicious meat.

Madam Yu was satisfied by their reaction. As expected...kukuku~~ ,"My lords, now let us start with the bidd-

Before she could finish her sentence, the front doors that were opposite of the stage was violently kicked opened. BANG!!

Everyone inside the hall was startled and came to an abrupt halt. They all turned around and focused their attentions on the doors. In the next moment, a troop of soldiers rushed in and surrounded the hall in a split second without saying any word and pointed their weapons at those noble as if saying they were not afraid to hurt anyone who dared to move an inch.

Furious and frightened at the same time, they all can sense the obvious hostile from this troop of soldiers, thus they swallowed the cursed and anger back and silently stood there.

The joyous atmosphere a moment ago was gone now there left is dead silent. Next moment, some soldiers that were blocking the front doors shifted to the side making way for someone. The soldiers all saluted in unity upon the presence of a young man.

Upon setting his foot inside, he surveyed everyone with his cold piercing eyes and said, "Captured everyone here and send them to the Main prison. If anyone resist.....kill them on the spot." he spoke slowly and clearly to make sure that each and every being here heard what he said and that he was not joking. His tone was cold and dominant like those with leadership quality.

Cheng internally cursed that Min -former Minister Wei for causing him this much trouble. He spent so many sleepless days gathering evidence to corner that Wei. That corrupted and treacherous Wei became openly corrupt and practiced extortion on a grand scale when emperor kept silent and turned a blind eye to his action not knowing it was a trap.

Selling government position for money, human trafficking, stole public funds and taxes, his crimes were serious enough to execute nine generations of his family. By this time, the imperial guard might have already surrounded Wei house capturing his family both young and old.

Cheng's mood had been grumpy these past few days but now he felt a bit better knowing his job here is done and he could now went back and roam the world. When he was about to make his way out, a soldier rushed toward his direction and asked,"General--"

"I am no longer a general.", Cheng sternly corrected his mistake.

"Apologized Lord Wang. What should we do with this boy?"

"Boy?",Cheng followed the soldier's vision and landed on a small body on stage that he had just noticed since he walked in.

"He looks like he was drugged. He might be kidnapped from somewhere.", the soldier stated.

Cheng silently inspected the now unconscious person in front of him without any expression on his face. After a short while the soldier carefully voiced, "Sir??". No respond from Cheng. This time he went a bit louder, "Lord Wang?"

"What?!", Cheng turned his glare to the poor soldier who was now trembling because he thought he might offend this Lord Wang. Seeing the soldier gave him a questioning and frightful look, Cheng realized he must have been staring for too long. He awkwardly clear throat and said,"Clean up everything here and for this boy.....I'm bringing him back with me."


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