Chapter 9 ( part 2 )

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"We're here."

When they finally arrived in front of the jam-packed restaurant, Xingfu quickly retreated his wrist from Cheng's clutch. On the other hand, Cheng was reluctant to let go.

"What's wrong? Are you still mad?" Cheng suddenly felt uneasy when he noticed Xingfu's unusual behavior.

"Ehh??" Xingfu was surprised by the sudden question. He was not that petty to be mad at such a trivial matter. What caused him to be so jumpy was the unforeseen realization of a strange emotion that had emerged a moment ago, and the root cause of it was no other than Cheng.

"I was not mad..."



After confirming that Xingfu was really not mad, he was relieved but did not show any sign of it on his face. "Then let's go in"

"What are we doing here?"

"This is a restaurant. Of course we come here to eat."

In front of them was a building with a pagoda like structure. Above the entrance, there was a large wooden framed sign reading Bi Fong House.


"You don't like this place?"

"That's not it. I've heard that the food here is really high-priced."

Although Xingfu had been to the capital only a few times he had also heard about this infamous Bi Fong house. Bi Fong House had never set any rule to their customers, but it was pretty obvious that this place was for the riches to flaunt their prosperity. The food that they served was prepared by the experts that they recruited from every region of Jin Sheng to prepare the specialties and exquisite cuisines of that region. This was a well-known fact that even outsider like xingfu knew. Judging from this fact alone, one could imagine how pricy each dish cost. What a daylight robbery! They cannot eat here!

"Aiyaa. You don't have to worry. I have a friend who works here. If we really cannot pay, I will ask him to help out."

Xingfu wanted to tell Cheng that he didn't have to go this far. He could just go back home and cook a few dishes. However, before he got the chance to protest, a waiter who seemed to noticed them quickly run over with a business like smile and invited them inside.

Before Xingfu could stop him, Cheng had already followed that young waiter inside. Xingfu sighed and gave up. If He said it's fine then it will be fine.

They were led to the very top floor of building which was divided into secluded sections for the VIP customers only. Finally they arrived in front of the biggest room at the very end of the corridor.

"You can go now." Cheng gave a silver piece to the waiter who was waiting for them to go in.

The waiter happily accepted the silver piece with shaking hands. This was the first he encountered such a generous customer. Although this place was overflowed with rich people, he had never been given this much.

The waiter thanked Cheng again and again to the point that Cheng almost lost his cool and kicked the waiter back downstairs.

"If you needed anything, please just ring the bell on the table and I will be here."

"Just go already!" then he slammed the doors shut. "What an enthusiastic fellow."

"Cheng, look at all of this!"

In the center of the room, there was a big table full exquisite dishes that gave off savory smell.

"Don't just look. Sit down and eat it. They food will get cold."

Xingfu followed Cheng and they both sit down face to face. Xingfu grabbed the chopsticks but he stopped midway in the air.

"What's wrong? The food is not to your liking?"

"No they are all look so delicious, but there are too much. I-I don't know where to start first." Then he continued bickering to himself.

Cheng did not know whether to laugh or to cry. Can someone really look so adorable while being so silly?

"Then try this dumpling first." After the dumpling he put various food into Xingfu's bowl and continued to do that until the bowl was piled up. Xingfu grabbed the dumpling on top of the food mountain with his chopsticks and plopped it into his mouth.

"How is it?"

"Delicious!" Xingfu exclaimed.

Seeing such an exaggerated reaction from the timid Xingfu, Cheng chuckled softly under his breath. He made the right decision by bringing Xingfu out today. He had never thought such a simple thing as to see that special someone enjoying delicious food could bring so much joy to his heart.

"Cheng this spicy chicken is really delicious. Try it! Ahhh and this one too." all the dishes on the table were cleared in just a moment. Xingfu had thrown all of his worry from the beginning outside of the window. He had always been weak when it came to food. What a glutton!

 It was already midnight when the two of them left the restaurant. Cheng wanted to ride a carriage because he worried that it might be inconvenient for Xingfu since he seemed to eat too much but Xingfu refused.

"Let's walk so I can burn the calories." Cheng also did not insist any further.

On their way home, there weren't that many people on the street compare to when they first came. Once in a while, they would see couples passing by walking hand in hand. Xingfu and Cheng silently walked side to side. Neither of them initiated the conservation, which caused the atmosphere to be somewhat awkward.

Actually, Xingfu had wanted to thank Cheng but he did not know where he should commence. Cheng also noticed that Xingfu suddenly became really quite although he was still lively a moment ago.

Xingfu suddenly came to a halt while Cheng had had already took a few steps ahead of him. Cheng turned around to find Xingfu. He knew that Xingfu had wanted to say something so he stopped and calmly waited.

"T-Thank you so much for today." Xingfu wanted to slap himself after he stuttered because he was too nervous. There were a lot of thing that he meant to convey but nothing came out.

"I am the one who should thank you."

"Why?" That sentence greatly confused Xingfu. Why would Cheng want to thank him? 

 As the night fell, the temperature also dropped. The chilly wind caused his body to shiver like thin leaf. Cheng did not answer the question. He took off his outer robe and threw it over Xingfu's shoulders.

"Let's go home. You might catch a cold if we stayed out for too long." Xingfu wanted to protest because Cheng seemed to forget that he grew up on the mountain. The night time there was much colder than here. He had long got accustomed to the cold. Despite that, he chose to keep silent and followed Cheng.

All of a sudden, Cheng who walked a few steps in front of Xingfu said "Next year let's come here again...together."

Xingfu was a bit startled then he replied "Y-Yes"

That was a promise right?

Thank you for reading <3 <3 <3

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