Chapter 4. A Dream ???

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( Ruby's POV )

Ruby: .....

Yang: Ruby it going to be alright

Blake: after what he did back there i would be suprised if he didnt

Weiss: yea i guess

Ruby: i know but still i dont know if it might have done something worse

( Y/N's POV )

you find yourself in a black void space and you think

Y/N: am i dreaming or am i realy in space

???: Y/N....

Y/N: what who is that

???: its me your uncle

Y/N: wha UNCLE J-



???: Hahahahaha did you realy think i was your uncle

???: Hahahahaha did you realy think i was your uncle

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( he looks something like this )


???: Silence you are speaking to the guardian of Light

Y/N: wait guardian of light.... waaaait your not from the traveler right??

???: yea i am from... WAIT A MINUTE ARE YOU THAT STUPID

Y/N: sometimes i just am not that good with having a conversation sometime :P

???: ugh just call me Celeste

Y/N: ok Celeste? 1 question WHERE THE HECK AM I

Celeste: simply in a dreamscape

Y/N: so it was option 1

Celeste: anyway you have an importand role in the future 

Y/N: wut 

Celeste: search across the lands and search the 7 sacred emeralds they shall give you the power to defeat the evil dwelling in hte dark 

Y/N: ok first not yet im on school + i defeated a death stalker WITHOUT ease second just becouse your a god doesnt mean your MY god and third if this was my destiny then nope i will write my own destiny it changes with every choice we make right


Y/N: thought so buut i AM curious now what do those emeralds do

Celeste: they shall give you a resevoir of energy you can use in many ways like teleportation, super speed, and a special powered up state,

Y/N: why do i have the feeling that for that so called 'super state' i need all of em

Celeste: im afraid you do

Y/N: ugh great just a question can you send me back to the normal world

Celeste: first this 

Celeste creates an orb of pure light in front of her face

Celeste: take this sacred power of light may it serve you well

Y/N: i guess thanks

Celeste: now...

Celeste picks up an airhorn ( cuz why not )

Celeste: WAKE UP

( world of the awake )

Y/N: 'Heavy breathing' OMG how long have i been out

Doctor: for 8 hours sir

Y/N: that explains why im hun-

Ruby: Y/N!!!!!

Y/N: ACH RUBY KEEP IT DOWN you nearly gave me a heart attack

Doctor: i would be suprised if that would happen sir

Y/N: what do you mean

Doctor: see for yourself

The Doctor shoves away the stuff blocking your sight and you see a capsule with... a HEART


Doctor: before i say that we also double checked every organ and if you shout even way more you will lose the ability to speak

Y/N: DA-.... ahum i mean damnit >:(

Y/N: but still how the hell am i alive right now without a heart

Doctor: it seems that thing on your chest is keeping you alive i dont know what you did son but that thing somehow connected itself to your nervous systhem

Y/N: hmm i wonder

you started to grab your core and you took it out and you saw the truth

Y/N: o_o i think imma go faint again

Ruby: aww come on not again

Y/N: I was joking :P

Y/N: ehm anyway did we did it did we pass

Weiss: well yeah we are in team RWBY leaded by....

Ruby: ME!!! 

Y/N: nice but with who do i team up???

All: ....

Ruby: with us...

Y/N: wow im that bad am i hehe he

Ruby: thats not it but 1 boy in a room with 4 girls is kinda .. you know

Y/N: o i got a solution to that 

You grab your bag which was standing next to you and grabbed contact lenses

Y/N: these thing make  a big black box pop up with TMI stuff

Yang: TMI ??

Y/N: To Much Information

Yang: oh

Blake: so what does that mean

Y/N: to put it simple if you where naked or something like that i wouldnt see it it would get a big black box in front of it

Blake: 'Blushes' ehm o k

Y/N: aaand that is why i hate explaining stuff but anyway lets get going imma grab my cloths and then

Doctor: sir thanks to that show you put on back there you cloths where shreded or burned so we had to get  you a replacement

Y/N: did my blouse survive

Doctor: with suprise Yes it did

Y/N: phew what a relieve

Weiss: why is that so importand to you

Y/N: that weiss is a story for another day

( A/N ok so i wanted to say chapter 4 yay done also in 1 day 20 views already NOICE il make the next one ASAP YEEEHA)

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