Chapter 10.5: The beginning of something Lovely

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(A/N im making part of this story on school so it might come out slow for the next couple of parts since i dont have that much free time thx to the exams coming up also ehm..... i know i dont do that much detail and stuff buuuut il try to do it better from now on heh hmmmmm also i dint see any votes on last part sooooooo imma just be stupid and do the fun one so SSJ it is i guess if i missed some stuff im sorry im not realy that good at explaining things. or at setting dots and etc cuz my spelling sometimes sucks but anyway lets get this show on the road  also keep in mind this takes part exactlyy where i left off last time so expact a whole lot of timeskips and stuff volume 2 i guess :) )

(Your POV)

Y/N: Heh..... thats what i get.... for trying to play.... hero.....

Ruby: Y/N..... 

Y/N: ugh why do i have such a headach right now

Ruby: Y/N


Ruby: Y/N!!!!

You then wake up Ruby Sitting beside you you also saw a first aid kit lieing beside her

Y/N: heh... do you even know how to use that thing?

Ruby: (Gasp) Y/NNNN!!!!!

She then hugged you when you sayd that you, you began to blush a bit but shook it off and sayd

Y/N: Ruby You are kinda crushing my lungs right now, and is hurting like a lot 

Ruby then let go she was blushing too even if it was for a bit

Ruby: ....... S-Sorry 

Y/N: its okay... what about Mr Texudo ??

Ruby: he got away the choppers where incoming and i tried to stop them b-but you where inn the crossfire and then penny did-

Y/N: Speaking of penny where is she??

You both looked around a bit to search for her.

Y/N: what about blake???

Blake: im right here you know....

You looked up she was sitting at the docks a bit further from where you are

You then tried to get up standing but it seemed you had a problem on your 'hand'

Y/N: aww crap not againt

your left arm was all broke, all you had over was a piece of scrap metal and like 20% on usefull materials

Y/N: Ruby A little help please, becouse i think you need to to lend me a hand

Ruby: O-Ok

she helped you out but still when you looked at the condition of your body you where mostly bleeding on your left leg cloths where badly damaged, you lost a great part of your chest armor and it seems you also lost your weapons all you had over was your trusty hand cannon...... but it was partly melted for some reason.

When you tried to walk on your own you felt the metal cranking in your body almost hitting your vital organs you felt the pain and felt down,


Ruby: Y/N Whats wrong?

Y/N: I-Its nothin, Ghost.... you there buddy

Then ghost appeared

Ghost: Yeah im here.... but we have a problem on our hands...

Y/N: well.... then say it already!

Ghost began to look a bit down

Ghost: Ehm yeah..... You are in a very dangerouse position right now. Thanks to your 'being a hero' act your whole Mechanical body began to reform. and thanks to that happening you hae sharp pieces of metal almost hitting your vitals.

Y/N: Aaargh Crist

Ruby: Wh-What does that mean!!

Ghost: if he doesnt get help soon. he might... die

Ruby: WHAT!

Blake: so he might... die....

You then hit ghost to the side.

Y/N: Stop scaring them i wont die remember.

Ruby: how so...

Y/N: you remember that day in the emerald Forest. 

Ruby then nodded.

Y/N: well thanks to that i put my core in my chest it works as a second heart. i dont need to breath much so i can take some time underwater but i do still feel it when im drowning. 

Ruby: thank goodness

Y/N: however those shrapnells might be a problem and without my Arm i cant get them good again

Ghost: how so???

You then looked at ghost and sayd

Y/N: DUH i have almost everything in that arm even a magnet, a special adjustable one 

Ruby: Oh.....

You  then remembered about something

Y/N: h-hey ruby i was just wondering....

Ruby: Yeah.

Y/N: you ehm wanna go to a cafe later on i know a good one close by

Ruby: Wh-What a-are you asking me on a.... Date

You blushed when she sayd that

Y/N: Heh y-yea.... i-i mean if you want to

Ruby: Yea sure that would be.... fun

Y/N: nice..... now if you dont mind imma gonna take a rest now...

Then you blacked out

( Ruby's POV )

Ruby: Y/N... Wake up!

Ghost: ruby he needs to rest after what he did to torchwick he needs the sleep

Ruby: ok

( A/N yeah ehm just did this a beginning of a romance between the 2 main character of this story ooh love fly's in the air)

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