Chapter 6. A 'Normal' school day

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( Dont mention the picture basicly inmagine Y/N with all of his crazyness from last all last chapters and try inmagining this around him when he goes overdrive )

You where going to your class with your.... Uniform... You hated getting dressed in School clothes you didnt like it was basicly being a manniquin. But as always you just dealth with it heh

Y/N: Welp i guess my first lesson will be beginning

But before you walkeed out of the door your core began surging with power

Y/N: huh what th-

You began getting magnetised against your bed and began twirling around as a dog who was trying to catch its tail


( Five minuts later)

Y/N: Mmmgh i feel sick as hell 

you started walking to class even with you belly almost on exploding but again. you deal with it like always

???: Miss Schnee if you will

Weiss: of course

then you came walking through the door

???: ah Mr L/N trouble getting out of bed

Y/N: you could say that

???: well nevermind that how about You show us how to deal effectively with this Grimm

Y/N: ok 1 grimm will be easy to deal with 

In the mean time you read his name off the board Mr Port

Y/N's thoughts: huh welp thats one mystery solved

Port: ready??

Y/N: welp time to work out the new gear

You grabbed your shield and ONLY your shield

Port: here it comes

Mr port then releashed the grimm and you got in action

Y/N: say hello to the sunbracer

You smashed your right hand into the back of the shield and it began to reform around the hand making a gauntlet surging with fire

Y/N: omega Activate weapon control left arm Sun Smasher

Omega: Ecnolidged 

Then your left arm began suring with flames to a little bit weaker but still strong

Ruby: woooow

Yang: Give that grimm a good whooping

Blake: go for it


You got ready and gave it a Right arm uppercut it flew a abit in the air but got uo

Y/N: meh time for plan B

You began standing ready for his next attack he was coming right at you and you...


You Smashed him with all your strength in your left arm and smashed him straight against the roof and it was K.O'd 

Y/N: welp guess thats it omega disengage

Omega: Ok

your left arm was going back to normal and your shield clapped itself in to normal too

Port: Excellant work Mr L/N im sure we can expect great things from you

Y/N: heh like my uncle always said ' Big things sometimes come in small'

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