Chapter 8. The story Of the Megalo

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(A/N ok sooooo i tried thinking of something good buut school is in the way sooo i thought of a costum made story when you get back from it its foo dfight time keep that in mind sooo lets get right to it)

You where in a dreamscape with a strange figure he was a man made of light well how Enlightning huh.

Y/N: who... who are you

???: dont you seek awnsers. dont you seek the truth of the eye

Y/N: what the hell are you talking about

???: seek where there is no light no dark. no known no unknown. the story of the Child and the reset.

Y/N: ' ok wtf is this guy saying'

???: if you seek whats clouded, search where no man has gone thats where you seek the awnsers you need.

Then the room filled with light and you heard 'Guardian Down'

you then saw even more light and then welcome to the world of the living

you woke up and the first thing you sayd was 


Doctor: launguadge dear boy and also remember you voicebox cant handle that volume

Y/N: i dont care man about my voice if that happens il think of a plan B buut what happened

Doctor: Well from what i heard you saved that girl ruby rose last time with some unknown power and then well-

???: Perhaps thats something i can better ask

Y/N: huh o hey Os

Ospin: welcome back Y/N so why didnt you tell me..

Y/N: about what???

Ospin: you power i believe your 'ghost' called it the Megalo

Y/N: what i dont think i hav-

Ghost: it wasnt a dream you know


Your eye turned partial blue and a blaster summoned in front of you and Ospin


(A/N in this book the blasters sometimes have a personality think like dogs also il set if they do something its gonna be G/B )


Y/N: WOOOW easy eaaaasy

you petted the blaster on its head and it somehow calmed doen

Y/N: huh never thought that would work heh

you then reminded of what that guy sayd

???: Seek the Awnsers you need.

Y/N: 'hmm i guess that might be a first step' Yo Os i need to get out of class for a little bit

Ospin: Oh and Why is that

Y/N: lets say a quest for the truth

Ospin: hmm how about a stay in the impormary for checkups

Y/N: okay i can live with that also 1 question do you have someone with the name of Crash here

Ospin: you mean Crash Bulgaris 

Y/N: thats the guy he does stil have that big axe right.

Ospin: what about him.

RWBY X Male Reader. DiscontinuedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ