Ben (Very Short)

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Okay don't judge XD

I was going through a lot of old stories from when I was like ten XD

I found this XD

I kinda took the whole creepypasta thing and completely fucked it up XD

I made up a character, and used Ben and EJ as the love interests, and like, yeah. Made it so that If a creepypasta is in love and if the feelings are returned then they're heart will beat again, and it's like this huge thing XD

I made them dead, well EJ is dead, the character I made up, Harley, and Ben are alive though. When I was like 8, yes I wrote this shit when I was 8 XD I wrote this entire book about it, and elaborated it so much, it was good, but also complete shit XD And then I kinda rewrote some of it and cut some of the bullshit out XD The rewrite happening at the age 10. Anyway, here y'all go XD 


So much blood...

He wanted more...

He had to leave her. The only thing keeping him alive. He was dead. She gave him a heart beat, brought him to life again. But then... Then Jack came back into the picture... He ruined it all! He took her away from him. She was all he had... And Jack took her. Ripped her from his arms! Jack flourished in his glorious prize, not knowing what he had unleashed!

But... It was the best for her...

She was his Harley. Ben's Harley. But not anymore. She was Jack's Harley.

Ben had to give her up... He had to, because he loved her... She loved him too... But she also loved Jack!

Jack had proven himself a horrible man to her years ago. He was not only horrible for all the murders he had committed, but he had hurt Harley deeply. So damn deeply. Harley is crazy, but so is Jack. Hell even Ben is crazy! Maybe... Maybe a little too crazy.

Harley. She was young. She wasn't dead. She had a beating heart, and she didn't have to love and be loved to have it. She went to college. Even though her secret life was gory, she was a happy bubbly girl. She'd go to school in the day, but she'd sneak off to the mansion at night. She'd kill whoever she was assigned. And she'd do it... Happily and bubbly...

But one night. Just one night. She didn't sneak off to the mansion. Her boyfriend... Jack... Came to her house. The house she shared with her best friend. Now here's the good part. Harley's best friend has no idea she's living with a psychopathic murderer, who's boyfriend was a nightmare. Harley was in her room making her bed. Jack came in through the window.

"Hey beautiful" he said as his feet hit the ground. "Get out, I don't know if Maria left yet or not!" Harley pushed him towards the window. "Relax" he said with a smirk "I watched her get into her car" He pushed the blue hood of his hoodie off of his head, and took of his mask.

Jack. He was dead. Harley kept him alive. Her heart may not have to beat for his, but she loved him, and, oh yeah, he loved her.Black ooze leaked from Jacks eye sockets. He was eyeless, hints the nickname EJ, wich stands for Eyeless Jack. He was a Creepypasta, and so was Harley.

Jack smiled as he slammed Harley against the wall. She smiled right back at him. He leaned in to kiss her neck, and pulled a knife from his pocket. "You better scream this time" he chuckled with a crazed sound to his voice. His free hand circled her neck, and he pressed the blade below his hand. He bit her jaw near her ear. She attempted a cry, but it came out as a moan/laugh. He pulled her from the wall, just to slam her back into it. He was playing with her, and she loved every second of it. "Sream!" He growled. He nibbled her ear "scream, or I won't kiss you". She screamed. There was no way she'd let him do this to her if he wasn't going to kiss her. "Good girl" he moaned, as his tounge tasted the sweet nectar of her cheek.

Suddenly Harley's bedroom door swung open. Maria shot her gun blindlessly trying to save her friend from whatever made her scream. Jack reacted instantly, throwing Harley to the ground, and blocking her from any bullets. He threw his knife at Maria, sticking it into her side. She dropped to the ground with a scream, but still shot. Jack grabbed Harley, and dove out the window. He ran, holding onto Harley, and didn't stop for a while.

He wouldn't let Harley go back. He was afriad.

Little did Jack and Harley know, Ben was going to be there. Ben crept into Maria's house, hoping to steal some items. He found her on the ground with a knife in her gut. She pointed an empty gun at him, and told him to call the cops or she'll shoot him... Ben killed her. He didn't take anything like he was planning. He just killed her, putting her out of her misery.

Harley ran away from Jack the next day, to go check on her Maria. Harley found her dead... Jack caught up to her, and found her crying beside Maria. "Harley, I swear where I hit her couldn't have done that!" He swore he hit her in the hip area-and that he did- but the knife was in the chest, and there was too much blood to see any stab wounds. "You monster!" Harley screamed, she banged on Jacks chest "I hate you!". Harley ran. And she ran so she didn't have to see him ever again.

Jack couldn't find her. Neither could their boss Slenderman. And they all thought he could find anyone. And he could. Just not Harley. And this was strange.

Two years later, Ben was walking down an alley, when he heard the moan of a man. He got the sickest idea. He was going to ruin the night for this man, and whatever prostitute he was with. He went around the coner, ready to strike, when suddenly the man screamed. Ben stood there in awe as he watched this woman slice away at him with a small pocket knife. That woman was Harley. She laughed as she cut him. Ben heard her mumbling something about a girl. He didn't know what she said though. "Oh that's hot" Ben mused, Harley shot up instantly, and spun around to meet his gaze.

Ben. He was alive. He was young too. He hacked computers, designed and played video games in the day, killed in the night. But only when the mood for death struck him.

Harley smirked at him. "Oh yeah?" She fiddled with her knife. "Say, would you like to hang out sometime?" Ben leaned on the wall of a building, returning the smirk. She gasped playfuly and smiled "are you asking me on a date? Didn't you see what I did to my last boyfriend?" She bit the blade of her knife as blood driped from her... Well, every where. "I'm willing to see how this goes" Ben shrugged "plus, I know damn we'll that's not your boyfriend. That's the drunk I just talked to, he was complaining about his love life, and how he was single. I patted him in the back, and told him to go find a whore... Guess he found something else" Ben chuckled.

"I'm not that easy to win over sweetheart" she pointed the knife at him. They were nearly four yards apart. "What? Do I need to get drunk, and let you shred my body to get you to say yes?" He put his hands in his pockets. She laughed "I'm not always like this. Who I am at night, isn't who I am at day". "Same with me" he smirked. "Have you ever killed?" She asked, coming closer "yeah" Ben straightend, getting ready for anything. "Good... Kill me" she smirked "why would I kill a stunning woman such as yourself?" Ben smirked back. "Because this stunning woman is about to kick your ass" he mused "mmm" Ben moaned "I would love that".

What was he doing? He'd never acted like this before.

She gave a purely feminine giggle, then she sliced at him. He dodged slightly, but his clothes were cut, and his chest showed. "That was my favorite shirt" he complained. She kicked him, hard, and he hit the wall. She sliced at him again, but he caught her hand. He jerked her to him.

"Now I dont know what kind of magic fuckery I'm dealing with, but something seems off here" he pinned her to the wall, twisting the knife from her hand. "Oh I got it" he smirked "You still haven't kicked my ass". He grew closer. "Don't get too cocky, sweetheart" she laughed, as she nipped at him. She seemed drunk, but she didn't smell like alcohol. "I went easy on you" she smiled "I wanted to see what you were made of". Ben's eyes scanned her body "I'm made of a whole lot more... I'll give you the tour, princess... that is unless your scared". "That hangout session sounds good..." She mumbled "The movies, tomorrow at 4pm". Ben gave her a playful gasp "are you asking me on a date?" his lips drew closer to hers. Her eyes looked at his lips, and her lips turned into a smirk "Maybe I am". "Then yes..." He looked into her eyes "I'll go with you". "You better bring your wallet" she smiled, "You better bring your pretty little knife" he smiled.

He pulled away from her with a smirk. "I'll see you then" he said then left the alley.

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