Hero to Zero

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when she
was a child,
she loved heroes.
they were mighty,
they were strong.
they could fight,
even all night long.

all of them handsome,
all of them cool.
she always saw them
save the poor.
they blinded her,
for she was always
played like a tool
only then did she realize-
"what a goddamn fool."

his image was vivid
and she treated him,
like he was cupid.
all his, "i love us."
they got her blinded
making her feel-
"so goddamn stupid."


i told him he was my superman,
and he told me i was his wonder
he treated me like his quinn,
but he was the joker.
he told me, my love was for a loser
and he acted like my possessor
 - six years later and it's all over.
after i realized that i needed no man,
just to be super.


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