Part 1

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Hey guys, CactusJack here! This is my first actual story (took down the last piece of shit I made) on wattpad, so I hope you enjoy! Let's ruin another great franchise, yayyyyy~

Katara's POV

I ran a hand through my hair, looking around the room. We were staying at one of Aang's friend's shop (he has so many, I don't remember all their names) for a little while, as hiding from bad dudes. Aang was elsewhere, but this friend told us that Aang had asked him to watch over us. So, we trusted him. I spotted Zuko walking by me, and gave him a smile. I'm not sure what the smile was for, exactly, but I just felt like giving one. To him, in particular. He shot me one back.

"Go get to bed!" Aang's friend shouted. "It's ten, and the fire nation waits for no one!" 

Damn, this guy's strict. I thought, grumbling as I ran out of the hall. How'd he even end up befriending someone like Aang? 

"Hey, scar!" He shouted at Zuko. 

Zuko's brows knitted themselves together, him obviously able to tell that this "friend" of Aang's wasn't going to give him cake or some shit like that. 

"Yeah, old man?" Zuko retaliated. 

This can't be good. . . 

"What did you call me?" The man walked up to Zuko, grabbing him by the scuff of his shirt and lifting him off the ground. 

Though short, the guy was strong, and didn't look like he was going to go easy on Zuko. Not wanting a fight to transpire, I stepped in. 

"Watch it, you too," I warned. "Or I'll have to go water-style all over your asses." 

"The water girl's defending the fire boy?" Aang's friend laughed. 

I saw this "friend" turning away from Zuko, heading straight for me. 

Aw fuck, Katara. 

I felt a fist scrape across my cheek, and immense pain trickled through my body. I was punched, and done so by someone that called themselves a friend of Aang's. What a lie. The man stormed off, Zuko about to go chasing after him. I grabbed the tail of his shirt, though, stopping him. He came to a halt, sighing. 

"Sorry you got in the crossfire, Katara." Zuko said, turning to put a hand on my cheek. 

His touch is so warm. . . I thought, but didn't say, for obvious reasons.

"I did so intentionally, so don't apologize to me, fire boy." I smirked. "You should try to get on the man's good side. It's not like we have anywhere else to go. Aang will be back soon, alright?" 

"He better be." Zuko said with a humph. "There's no way this guy's a friend of his. I'm just waiting for the moment when I can finally kick his ass." 

I laughed, releasing his shirt. 

"We should go." I said. "To bed, I mean." 

"To bed?" Zuko questioned, face flushing red. 

I realized the mistake I'd made, or more importantly, the mistake he'd made. No, I'm not going to sleep with Zuko. He's a friend, nothing more. 

Right? I still found myself asking. 

"In separate rooms, I mean." I pointed out. 

"Of course!" Zuko nearly shouted. 

It was cute to see him so tripped up like this, I had to admit. 

"First, I should help you with your injury." He said, motioning to my cheek. "It's the least I can do." 

"Sure." I couldn't object to that. 

I followed him into a nearby bathroom, where there was a cabinet with medical stuff in it. All he really ended up doing was rubbing water on my face with a rag, though, since there wasn't much you could do to stop a bruise from forming. I still appreciated the gesture, though. 

"Change into your pajamas already, young things!" We suddenly heard the old man shout from outside the door. "How many times do I have to say go to bed?" 

Zuko and I almost burst out laughing, but somehow managed to stifle it. 

"I think he just wants to see you and Toph in your night things." Zuko giggled. 

I gave him a nudge, laughing as well. 

Zuko's POV

Katara looked so very pretty when she laughed. Or smiled. Or frowned, for that matter. God, I'm falling for the water tribe girl. My father would be disappointed in me. 

Somehow, though, I thought, biting my lip to keep a goofy grin from stretching over my face. The thought of him hating Katara makes me even more turned on by her. . .

"Well, I'll go do as the old man says, then." Katara said. "Don't worry, though. I won't let him see." 

She reached for the door knob, but I grasped her wrist to stop her. 

Please don't leave, Katara. . . 

"What?" She asked, beautiful blue eyes shimmering. 

"You. . ." I stammered. "You can change in here. . ." 

Our faces turned red at the exact same moment, me from realizing what I'd said, and her from having to hear that. Katara actually seemed to consider it, though. She looked puzzled by the offer. 

Puzzled. . . I thought, smiling. Another expression Katara looks good giving. . . 

I couldn't hold back anymore. I needed Katara, with every living fiber in my body. I found myself grabbing her other wrist, joining the two of her hands together in mine. I shoved her up against the door. 

"Zuko. . ." She said, surprise apparent on her face. 

A/N: It gets worse. Don't worry, though, I'll give ya'll perverts what you want in the next chapter, though ;) 

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