Part 11

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Hello hello It's yo girl CJ and Avatar is amazing movie is SHIT Death Note is life Tokyo Ghoul manga is life anime is SHIT and I have nothing else to say so let's continue with this shitty thingamajig

Thank you for reading :)

Zuko's POV 

It was dark. I tried to move my hand, to find some sort of light, but was unable to, finding myself to be restrained in some way. I felt my jaw move back and forth, just trying to make some sort of movement. 

I was scared. I'd never been in a situation like this before, so now that whatever the hell is going on is happening, I have no clue what to do. I struggled some more for what felt like hours. As the time went on, I found myself transitioning into full on panic, each breath I take coming out short and airy. 

Keep yourself together, Zuko. I thought, mentally slapping myself into shape. 


My heart skipped a beat, feeling full of relief. Someone was here, coming to save me from this prison. 

"Katara?" I called with what breath I had left in my lungs. 

A light flickered on, casting an eerie red glow over the room. I blinked, looking around. I gazed first at my hands, which were reached out away from my body, chained to the walls, then to my feet, which were limply hanging below me. I was an inch off the ground, and when I really stretched, I could even touch the hardwood floor. My gaze was then directed to the person standing in front of me. A grin spread on my face. 

"Katara. . ."

"What?" The voice said in reply. 

My head stopped spinning for a moment, and it was then when I could fully take in the voice that was calling out to me. It sounded muffled, with a tinge of snark as well. The person stepped forwards, and it was only then that I was able to fully make out the features of this figure. I bit my lip.

Not Katara. 

Katara's POV

It's been almost three hours since I first grabbed Appa and ran. . . or rather, flew. On his back, I could see the city below me, the lights still glimmering as the sun slowly began to rise in the background. I've scowered most of this place, meaning that Zuko must be elsewhere. I sighed. 

This is going to be a long day. . . 

A/N: Sorry, I legit have no time to write more. Please vote and/or comment or I'll cry (LOL)

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