Part 3

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Zuko's POV

A knock on the door interrupted Katara's saucy statement. 

"Uh. . . Katara?" Sokka's voice came from outside. "Are you in there? This is the only bathroom, you know, and I really have to pee!" 

I felt Katara's hand shove me into a hiding place behind the toilet and get to her feet. I couldn't see much, but I could hear the sounds of her slipping on her clothing. My heart sunk. 

That damn brother of hers. . . I thought, trying to hide the sound of rage that threatened to escape from my mouth.

"Uh, sorry, Sokka." Her voice called. "I'll be out in a moment, but could you get me a glass of water first?" 

There was shuffling outside the door, and I felt Katara's hand grasp mine and shove me forcefully me out of the bathroom. I wondered why I'd had to hide behind the toilet in the first place, but the sudden, blinding light in my eyes distracted me from my thoughts. Sokka came around the corner, cup in his hands. 

"Hey, Zuko." He said, seeming to be surprised to have seen me. "Where have you been?" 

"Psh, uh, you know, around." I grinned nervously, scratching the back of my head, which probably made me look just that more suspicious. 

"Mm, okay." Sokka said, giving me an odd look, but saying nothing on the matter. 

Katara then emerged from he bathroom, fully clothed and giving Sokka and me a wide grin. 

"Sorry for the wait, big bro." She gave him a wave and started walking off. 

"What about your water?" Sokka asked, as he was dim as ever, not knowing that it was nothing but a distraction for me to slip out of the bathroom. 

Katara turned around, taking the water so as to not look suspicious. She gave me a wave, and I returned one to her. Once she was out of sight, though, my mouth curved back down into a frown. Sokka gave me a look, noticing my unpleasant expression. 

"She seems to started not hating you." He said, and I stifled a smirk at his odd phrasing. "So why so down?" 

Sokka's POV

Something's up with Zuko. I thought, raising an eyebrow. Also Katara. Maybe everyone. Else I've gone crazy. Sokka is confused. Suspicious, too. What should Sokka do? Sokka will investigate. Sokka will also continue referring to himself in third person. Good plan, Sokka. Why, thank you, Sokka. 

Zuko gave a startled sound, obviously unsure how to answer that question.


"I'm just. . . sick." Zuko said unconvincingly. 

He coughed a few times, also unconvincingly. When I raised my eyebrow once again, he knew that I was unconvinced. Zuko began backing up, then dashed off to his room. 


I didn't have the time to spy on him, though, as I was really freakin' tired. I yawned, heading off to my sleeping place, which was the couch. I pulled the covers over my body, scowling at the ceiling. 

This isn't over yet, Zuko. . . I thought as I closed my eyes. 

About two minutes later I got up and ran to the bathroom, which I'd forgotten to use. 

Zukos POV

This could be troublesome. . .

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I'm on vacation right now, and don't have much time! After this, I will be proceeding to go to sleep! Please comment and vote if you enjoyed! :) ALSO: the next chapter will be story line instead of smut, so sorry about that, but I wanted to add some "depth" to it. More dirty shit soon, though ;)

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