Part 4

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A/N: Sorry for not posting. I hope you all enjoy, and there will be information about when I'm going to be posting next at the end! :)

Katara' POV

I awoke to a kiss being planted gently on my lips. I looked up to see Zuko smirking down at me, arms placed on the bed on each side my waist. 

"Morning, sunshine." He said. 

"Morning." I responded in a quiet tone, so as not to wake the others. "What are you doing in my room?" 

"Was last night all a joke to you, then?" Zuko asked, pulling back. "When you told me you loved me?" 

"Course not, love." I leaned upwards, placing a kiss on his cheek. "I just wondered why you were here right now." 

"There's a problem." Zuko told me, moving over to sit beside me on the bed. "And you're related to it." 


He gave me a nod. 

"He's going all detective-y again." Zuko used that tone of his that clearly portrayed that he was deeply irritated. "He might even catch the two of us, and for whatever reason, I don't exactly want Sokka running wild with the information that we're dating." 

I bite my lip, allowing him to see that I agreed with his statement fully. 

"If we killed him this wouldn't be a problem." Zuko's sing-song voice sung in my ear. 

"Zuko!" I shoved him away from me, disgusted that he would even think of such a thing. 

"Okay, okay, I was joking." Zuko said, annoyed that I hadn't been able to pick up on his joke.

That was always a problem that I've had. Toph makes sure that I'll never soon forget it, too. I looked at him dead in the eye. 

"Let's run away together." 

Zuko's POV

It was sweet and all, her statement, but I do hope she wasn't serious. I have to help Aang save the world or whatever. It's a drag, but it'll benefit all of us in the end. Katara looked up at me, blue eyes shimmering at the realization that it wasn't possible. 

"Sorry I suggested that." She mumbled, looking back down. 

"Katara. . ." She looked so perfect. . . "Look at me." 

Her eyes shifted back upwards, and I pulled her into a kiss as she did. Katara's hands wrapped around my back, ensuring that I wouldn't leave. Which I wasn't planning on doing. Her eyes were still staring up at me, and I instinctively reached out to play with a strand of her hair. She giggled, breaking the kiss. 

"Sorry," she said, which was the second time today she'd gotten all bashful. "You should go see if Aang's back, to help him with training." 

"Yeah." I smirked. "You're the one in my room, after all." 

Katara gave me a smug grin and dashed out, and I followed her after a few minutes of sitting in silence. Outside, I heard a familiar voice and a beastly sound. It was Aang and his pet, who had returned. I put a smile on my face, going up to greet them. 

"Hey, Zuko!" Aang said in a loud voice upon my arrival. "How's it hanging?" 

I was about to ask him about the details of his "Scouting mission" or whatever he called it, when I suddenly remembered more pressing matters. 

"The old guy that lives here." I said. "Is he really a friend of yours?" 

"Yeah," Aang said sheepishly. "He may be harsh, but he's a good guy." 

"I'll have you know he slapped Katara." My eyes had been narrowed from the  time that Aang called such a man a "good guy". 

"It's alright, really." Katara said. "Though I would like to leave soon, if that's alright." 

"For sure." Aang looked guilty for causing Katara to get hurt. 

I didn't pity him, either. 

Katara's POV 

I was happy that Aang was back, but pissed off that Zuko had told him about my getting hurt. if this angered Aang, there might be a fight, and he could get hurt. Zuko needs to think these things through more. I don't want my little buddy injured. 

"Zuko, we need to talk." I hissed under my breath, about to drag him off. 

Before I could do so, though, Aang continued on talking, the little blabbermouth. 

"Oh, there's one more thing." Aang said, as if to remember an important detail. "I picked up a friend along the way." 

"A friend?" I repeated. 

"Yeah," Aang looked at me and Zuko cautiously. "Just. . . don't be surprised and freak out or anything." 

Somehow his saying this made me even more worried. My eyes widened as a figure stepped forth from behind Appa. I could tell that Zuko was certainly tense, and maybe even envious as he recognized the person, as I'd ranted continuously to him about this asshole to him for quite some time. My teeth clenched. 


A/N: So here it is. I'm planning to post the next part on Thursday. I have basketball practice tomorrow, so I won't be able to then(I'm sorry!). I'll be posting more often from now on, though, and want to thank you all for your continued support! :)

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