Part 10

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A/N: AHHHHH WE'RE ON CHAPTER 10, PEOPLE!!! I'm so happy! Thank you for all the views! Anyway, I'll get to the story. 

Katara's POV

There was silence in the house. Then a shout. No, more like a screech. One of loneliness and desperation. I jolted up at the realization that the voice had come from the mouth of someone I'd kissed. . . and more. Dashing out of my room I found that Aang and Sokka were both also awake. Toph wasn't, which was odd as she was the one with ultra-sonic hearing, or whatever. 

"Where's Zuko?" I asked, the words coming out in more of a croak than an actual sentence. 

Sokka gave me a tired shrug as Aang dashed for Zuko's room. I trailed behind him, trying to act as though it was my first time traveling there. No, that was unimportant now. 

"Zuko!" Aang shouted, arriving at the door. "I'm coming in, okay?" 

Upon the opening of the door, I felt the cold night air sweep towards us in a breeze. I shivered, but tried to brush of my feelings of discomfort with the temperature. 


My voice was nothing more than a whisper at this point, as I feared what had happened, or where my mind would go, if no response was said. 

"He's not here." Aang announced. 

Way to state the obvious. I thought but didn't say. 

"Where is he, then?" Sokka asked upon arriving at the door, panting and looking all-around out of breath. 

"I don't know." Aang said in a voice that made it seem as though he wasn't trying to comfort the two of us, and rather himself. 

"Well, let's find him then!" I shouted, regaining the strength in my throat. "You're the avatar, right? Yip-yip away to wherever he is." 

"How am I supposed to do that?" Aang asked, placing a defensive hand over his chest. 

"I will, then, you weakling!" I said, storming out of the room, towards the door that led outside. 

I heard footsteps rushing after me and 'no' and 'wait' being shouted by the two behind me. I didn't stop. I wouldn't. I couldn't. 


Aang's voice was solemn and firm, as if trying to be some sort of conscience inside of me, trying to woo me back to the side of righteousness. It wasn't going to work. 

"You don't even know where you're going!" He said, continuing to waste his breath. "We can form a plan, and-" 

"I'm not sitting around while some lunatic has his hands around my boyfriend, dumbass!"

"Dumbass. . . you and Zuko. . ."

I didn't even realize the words I was saying until they were laid out right in front of me. I'd called Aang a dumbass, and even told him about me and Zuko's relationship. 

No, no time to think about that now. I reminded myself. Finding Zuko is what's important now. Finding Zuko is the only thing that matters. 

I stormed through the door, finding Appa to be laying down, asleep. I hopped on top of him, muttering a 'yip-yip' before taking off. 


Aang stood on the ground, stunned. 

"Goodbye, Aang." I called. "I'll be back soon with Zuko, don't you worry!" 

I saw Aang nod, though it was the most reluctant and worried nod I'd ever seen. He was probably going to come after me, after he'd gotten his staff. And I didn't care. I'd probably need all the help I could get finding and rescuing Zuko, if he was in need of rescuing. 

I just didn't want help.

A/N: it's eleven pm. I have to get up at five tomorrow. What am I doing? POSTING A FRICKIN' FANFICTION OF WATTPAD.  Ahhh my life. Hope it was worth it, guys lol

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