Part 7

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Zuko's POV

My head was buried in my pillow, hoping that this action would somehow block out everything. Somehow keep my mind from wandering back to lewd thoughts about Katara.

Why is she still on my mind? I wondered, removing the pillow and rolling back onto my side, staring at the stuffed tiger that lay on my bed.

I closed my eyes, hoping that I would quickly drift off back to sleep. Unfortunately, I was unable to due to a hoarse shriek coming from outside my door. 

It's probably nothing. I told myself, grabbing my tiger and pulling it closer, against my chest. Just go to sleep, Zuko. 

There was yet another strange sound and I found my body springing up, despite my better judgement. I guess somewhere inside of me, I knew who made that sound and could guess what was happening. I just didn't want it to be true. 


The words flowed from my lips before I could stop them, not wanting anyone to hear me utter that name. Then they could guess. They could, right? 


The voice was weak, but it was there, just loud enough for me to hear it. I went faster. 

This house seems a lot larger when you're in a hurry to get somewhere. I noted, taking a second to allow my eyes to dart down another hall, scanning the area. 

My feet ached but I didn't care. I had to find the source of that noise- no, I had to find Katara. She was all that mattered. I arrived on scene, finding Katara shoved against the wall, with that black-haired bastard locking lips with her. She seemed to be against it. Or maybe that's just what I was hoping. The two of us locked eyes and a look of relief crept onto her face. 

Thank god. I thought to myself. She is against it. Wait no, that's bad. . . 

I snuck up on Jet, not allowing him to notice my presence until the last second. The time when it was too late. 

Katara's POV

Damn, Zuko can punch. He's nearly beating the snot out of that bitch. Not that I pity him. It's quite the opposite. Jet fell to the ground, his body pretty much a bloody pulp. Zuko didn't even use his bending. I'm impressed. I stumbled forwards, tripping over my own feet. Zuko dashed forward, catching me in his arms. It was just like in the movies, our eyes staring at each other, never looking away. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered, though I wasn't exactly sure what for. 

It wasn't like I wanted Jet to rape me. 

"For what?" Zuko asked, which were my thoughts exactly. "I overreacted. You can like any asshole you want." 

I could tell that he was wincing at those words. This made me grin. 

"I choose this asshole, then." I said, eyes still locked on his face. 

This made his mouth curve up, too. 

"You little fuck. . ." 

Zuko leaned down, pressing his lips against mine. I grabbed the back of his head. He was certainly a better kisser than Jet. 

There! No cliff hangers! Yay! Well, until next chapter(mwah ha ha)! -CJ

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