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Antonio's pov

I rubbed my temple as I finished the last of my paperwork. This work load has been getting a lot for me. Even though my brothers and I have divided it amongst us, being a Mafia leader comes with a lot of responsibilities and it's difficult to handle all of it. Nonetheless I have it under control at all times.

There was a knock on my office door.

"Come in." I said.

In came Scott, my most trusted right hand man.

"Sir we have a problem." he said.

"What is it?" I asked taking another sip of my scotch.

"You know the vipers gang that borrowed a million dollars from us last month?"

I nodded

"Their leader, Zayn is trying to leave the estate"

I slammed my fist on the table. No one messes with me. I'm going to show him who's boss.

"Track his location right now, we're going to get him." I told Scott.

"Already done. The car is waiting for you downstairs." he said.

That's why he's my right hand man.

"Let's go then." I said, gulping down the last of my drink and walking out the door.

I sat in my limousine with around ten of my men and the driver started driving. There was another limousine following us that was full of guards just for extra security.

Usually my brothers, Heath and Tyson help me with all this stuff, but they were on vacation for the last few days with my whole family and were coming back in the morning. I would've gone with them but I wasn't really in the mood and had a lot of work to catch up on so I declined.

The car came to a halt.

"Where is he?" I asked Scott

"He was last seen down this street in this alley." he said, gesturing towards an alley.

I nodded my head getting out of the car with my men following me. I was walking down the alley when I saw a beautiful girl with a guy on top of her, struggling to get him off.

Something inside me clicked at the sight of that girl being in harm's way, I had the sudden urge to save her. I became furious at the thought of her getting hurt and I don't know what came over me but I grabbed him by the back of his head and threw him on the ground climbing on top of him punching him non stop.

"Don't you fucking touch her asshole!" I screamed in his face continuing to throw punches. I continued that for a good while when I felt a hand gently touch my shoulder. I stiffened and looked back to see the beautiful girl. She gasped as she took in my features while I stared at the gorgeous beauty in front of me. She had blonde hair that reached till her shoulders and bright green eyes with long lashes. She had a sculpted figure which was twine thin. A pair of perfectly arched eyebrows and her delicate ears framed a slender nose.

She cleared her throat. "Please stop, he's had enough." She pleaded.

I continued to stare into her eyes till she averted her gaze. I got up dusting my pants and turned to Scott.

"Portalo in ospedale. Trova Zayn e cerca di fargli rinunciare ai soldi. Uccidilo se non lo fa. Segnalami quando è fatto." I said pointing to the body on the floor.

Scott nodded and went away with half the men that came with us.

(Take him to the hospital. Find Zayn and try to get him to give up the money. Kill him if he doesn't. Report to me when it's done)

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