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The next day I woke up with Antonio's arms tight around me. I turned around and admired his sharp features. His sculpted face looked so innocent and peaceful as he slept. I ran my fingers through his hair feeling them soft against my skin. I made a mental note to ask him about his conditioner when he wakes up. They were so silky and glossy.

It was hard to admit but I knew that I was falling for this man. I just hope he catches me when I do. I've never had a boyfriend before because I didn't trust anyone except Carter.

"Good morning Bella." said a deep raspy voice. I looked up at Antonio and found him already staring at me. His morning voice was so sexy, it made me wet.

"Morning." I mumbled, slightly embarrassed that he caught me.

He tucked his head into my neck and inhaled deeply. "You smell so good." he murmured against my neck.

That tickled and I couldn't help but giggle. He turned to look at me with a questioning gaze but I just shook my head.

"My father's coming home today." he said.

I stayed silent for a moment and then said "And your mother?"

He stiffened as I mentioned her.

"She's not a part of my life." he said curtly.

I didn't want to push him so I just nodded. But I couldn't help but feel slightly bothered that he wouldn't open up to me, when I had told him everything about my past.

After a moment he said "She cheated on my father and left us with him. He was devastated but he threw himself into work and got over it. I never really experienced motherly love or gentleness in my childhood, none of my siblings did. My father is stern and he likes to maintain order so he was always professional. What killed me the most was that my mother said she felt tied down and didn't want to be bound to my father just because she had kids with him. She didn't even come back for her own kids. I had never experienced being loved which is why I've always had a cold demeanour." He became silent after that. "I was devastated when she left." He said quietly.

I took in everything he said and felt heartbroken for him. He had been deprived of love in his childhood, forced to grow up too quickly and none of it was his fault.

I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and hugged him. His hands went to my waist and he pulled me on top of him hugging me back just as tightly.

"Thank you." I whispered after a moment.

He pulled back keeping his arms still around me "For what?"he asked.

"For trusting me." I said.

He attached his lips to mine and we started kissing. It was a slow and sweet kiss, not like the rough one we shared earlier. His lips moved slowly, in perfect rhythm against mine as his hands caressed my hips. He pulled away after a while and rested his forehead against mine.
Antonio's pov

I took a quick shower and changed into my suit. Today I had to go question the man who made my baby's life a living hell for four years.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Corina and my father talking.

"Father, I see you've already met Corina." I said as I hugged him.

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