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Antonio's pov

"So what do you think should be done about this?" Tyson asked as we sat in the conference room.

"We should meet with the gang leader. Maybe do things the civil way before threatening his lives and all that shit." Heath said.

"He already attacked last week, I don't really think he wants things done in a civil way." I said, thinking deeply.

"We should go with a surprise attack. He won't know what hit him." one of my men,Marcus said.

I thought about it for a moment.

"We'll catch him off guard. It's the perfect plan if you ask me." John said leaning back in his chair.

"Your right. Marcus, I want you, Leonardo, Seth and Ricky to go with the boys from the East wing. You guys will attack tomorrow night and report back to me when it's done." I said standing up.

I fixed my coat and walked out with John by my side.

"You know he's not the only problem here right? There's been a drop in the quantity of shipment packages." He said.

"Yes I'm aware. Heath is already dealing with that." I said and walked up to my room.

I found Corina sprawled on the bed scrolling through her phone. I got her a new one since she left her old one in the club. I unbuttoned my coat and took it off. Then I proceeded to undo my cufflinks and set them on the nightstand.

"We have to go to a business event tonight." I said sitting next to her and pulling her into my lap moving her so she was facing me. She didn't bother pushing me away because she knew I'd just pull her back.

"What do you do?" She asked curiously.

I stiffened. I didn't want to tell her about this business yet because I was anxious as to how she would take it. We weren't on the best of terms right now so it wouldn't be wise to tell her.

"I'm a businessman." I said curtly.

She didn't question me further, luckily. But I knew I'd have to tell her soon and I was dreading that moment.

"What should I wear?" She asked.

"A dress." I said.

"I don't have any here." She said.

"Don't worry prinipessa, I've got you covered. I told Savannah and Kate to get you a dress as well when when they got theirs." I said.
Corina's pov
Savannah, Kate and I were getting ready together. They begged me to let them do my makeup and hair so I agreed.

"Have you never put on fake lashes before?" Savannah asked surprised.

I shook my head. To be honest I've never worn fake lashes because I don't know how to put them on.

"One, I don't know how to put them on and Two, I don't really like dramatic lashes. I like to keep it simple."I said

"I get you. Even I hate feathery lashes that make you look like a raccoon." She said and I laughed."But don't worry these are natural." she said as she put them on my eyes.

She told me to wait a minute of two before opening my eyes to let the glue dry fully.

I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror. "Woah. These look really pretty." I said, admiring them. It didn't even look like I have fake eyelashes on. It did feel uncomfortable though.

"They'll feel uncomfortable at first but you'll get used to it after a while." she said and I nodded.

Kate curled the my hair as Savannah finished the rest of my makeup to match the colour of my dress. They didn't let me see the dress till after everything was done.

"You can open your eyes now." Kate said and I saw her holding a long dress that was covered in gold sparkles with a slit in one leg. It was beautiful.

"Do you like it?" Savannah asked smiling.

"I love it. Thank you guys." I said hugging each of them.

"Go put it on." Kate said smiling.
My eyes locked with Antonio's as I walked down the stairs to the living room where the boys were waiting.

He looked mouthwatering. He wore a navy blue tight suit that showed off his muscly arms and complimented his buff figure. His hair was slicked to the side with gel and his grey eyes looked even brighter as he stared at me.

I gulped as he approached me, slowly. His arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me into his chest. I only reached till his upper chest even though I was 5'9.

"You look gorgeous. Assolutamente bellissimo." he murmured the last part to himself.

(Absolutely gorgeous)

"Thank you." I whispered shyly.

"Pictures!" Kate yelled from behind us.

Antonio groaned but nodded.

"Come on guys, we're already late." Tyson said.

We all piled into the limousine waiting for us. Throughout the ride Antonio kept me close keeping a hand on my thigh. I knew it was useless to try and remove it so I didn't.

We arrived at the venue and it was a luxurious party. Antonio and the boys talked to a lot of people about some business deals or something. I couldn't really understand. Throughout all this Antonio had me locked to his side.

"I need to go to the bathroom." I told Antonio and he nodded, letting me go, reluctantly.

I did my business and walked out when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry excuse me." I mumbled starting to walk away.

"Corina?" Said a very familiar voice.

I looked up to see Trey.

"Trey? Oh my god what are you doing here?" I asked shocked.

"My dad dragged me to one of these company events saying it was important for me to learn about taking care of the business and stuff." he said rolling his eyes. "But what are you doing here? And why haven't I heard from you since last week?" He asked as he held my hand.

Before I could reply Antonio's deep voice interrupted.

"Corina?" He said as he came up from behind me wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me to him making me let go of Trey's hand. He narrowed his eyes at Trey and said "Who are you?"

Trey's eyes travelled from Antonio's hand on my waist to mine and then to Antonio. "I'm corina's friend. Who are you?"

"I'm her boyfriend and we need to get going now." he said coldly as we began to walk away.

He's my boyfriend?

I gave Trey a pleading look and he looked at me in confusion but nodded nonetheless.

"Who was he and why was he touching you?" Antonio asked as soon as we sat in the car.

"He was just my friend Trey." I said.

"Are you sure he was just a friend? He didn't look at you like you were just a friend to him." He said frowning.

I rolled my eyes.

God. This man will be the death of me.
Hey guys!!
Here's chapter 7.
Also Thank you so much for 1k reads!❤️❤️


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