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I ran out of his room as fast as I could and stumbled into the nearest one I could find and locked the door quickly.

Instantly there was loud banging on the door as I walked away from it afraid it'd break due to the intensity of his fist.

"I swear to god if you don't open this fucking door right now I'm going to Rip it apart." screamed a furious Antonio.

"Antonio please. I need some privacy to talk to my friend okay?" I said desperately.

"No. Open this fucking door." he screamed once again.

I ignored him. I need to get out of here and the only way to do that was to contact Carter.

The banging on the door continued as I dialled Carter's number. Please pick up. Please pick up.

"Hello?" Said a sleepy Carter

"Carter!" I screamed a little too loudly as my heart beat rapidly.

The banging stopped.

"Oh my god! Corina what's wrong?"

"Listen Carter I need to get out of here I—"

I was cut off by the door of the room being ripped off it's hinges and an angry Antonio stalked towards me, his eyes blazing furiously as he stared at me.

I forgot Carter was on the phone until I heard his voice through it.

"Corina what's going on?" Carter said through the phone.

I quickly hung up not wanting to further infuriate the beast in front of me.

"You were trying to fucking leave me!"He screamed.

I flinched at his tone and scurried backwards but he started making his way to me. Once he reached me he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Hey let me go! You kidnapper!" I shouted as I wiggled in his embrace.

He simply ignored me and kept walking. Gosh I hate him.

I was set down on a soft mattress and it was then I realised we were back in his room. He closed the door and stalked towards me slowly. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at me.

He smirked and said "Punishment Time."

I gulped and cowered back thinking he was going to hit me.

He seemed to understand that and his eyes softened "You thought I was going to hit you?"

I nodded slowly.

Hurt flashed in his eyes and he looked at me seriously and said "I'm never ever going to hurt you tesoro. I'd never even think about it."


It became silent after that until he said "But I do have to punish you."

I looked up at him and saw him smirking.
In a flash I was down on the bed with him hovering over me. I gasped at how close his face was to mine. He attached his mouth to my neck and started kissing and sucking causing me to let out a few moans. This encouraged him as he gently bit down at one point no doubt leaving a mark. He continued his assault on my neck and then moved to my collarbone. His hands that were running up and down my sides stopped and grabbed my butt giving it a squeeze. Why was I enjoying this? No I shouldn't be doing this. I pushed him off and quickly ran to the bathroom embarrassed out of my mind. I heard his deep chuckle behind me as I locked the door. God. How could I let him do that?
Once I had finished showering I realised that I didn't have any clothes. Damnit. I wrapped a huge towel tight around me and stepped out of the bathroom. Antonio was lying on the bed shirtless staring up at the ceiling.

His At First SightWhere stories live. Discover now