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"Who was that man Corina?" Antonio asked as soon as we came home.

Kate wanted to take me to the mall but Antonio refused to let me go without him so he went along too. There I bumped into the person I prayed I'd never meet again. My father.


I suddenly bumped into someone as I walked out the bathroom.

"Sorry" I mumbled and tried to move away.

"Wait" the stranger said gripping onto my arm.

I looked up and gasped as I looked into the eyes of the man who made my life a living hell for four years.

"Father" I said with wide eyes, too shocked to say anything else.

"Well, if it isn't the whore I brought up" he said in a disgusted tone.

"Let go of me" I pleaded in a weak voice trying to wiggle my arm free of his murderous grip.

"No. You're going to pay for running away without saying goodbye. Didn't daddy teach you any manners" he said coldly, as his grip on my arm tightened.

"No, no please let me go" I said panicking.

Suddenly out of nowhere a fist landed on his face and he fell back.

There stood Antonio with a murderous look on his face ready to go beat him to pulp.

He came closer to me and examined me for any injuries. Once he was satisfied he looked at me."Wait in the car with Kate while I go finish that bastard" he said, his voice leaking with anger.

"Antonio please, just leave it" I pleaded gripping on to his bicep.

He shook his head.

"Then you won't know who he is and why he was doing that to me" I said stubbornly.

He looked back at me as if thinking deeply and then eventually nodded reluctantly.

*end of flashback*

Now, we were in his office. He sat on his chair while I stood behind his desk like a child being scolded.

He gestured for me to come sit in his lap, I shook my head but he gave me a deathly look that made me submit.

I went to his chair and sat sideways on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me so I was straddling him.

"Tell me." he said softly.

"My father." I said sighing heavily.

The room quieted after that until he said "There's more, Tell me everything."

I remained silent and looked down. He put a finger under my chin making me look up at him.

"Do you trust me?" He asked looking into my eyes.

I thought about it for a moment. He did save me. And he made me feel safe too. I felt protected when I was with him.

I nodded.

"Then trust me when I say I won't let anything happen to you, you can talk to me baby." he said caressing my cheek.

I sighed "We were a happy family. Me, my Mom and Dad. I was an only child which I didn't mind at all. I loved my parents attention, it was always on me." I said, smiling at the end.

"When I was eleven my mom got diagnosed with leukaemia and died a year after. I was devastated. I would lock myself in a room and cry all day. I couldn't sleep at night because her lifeless face used to haunt me. My father was heartbroken, he took her death really hard because he loved her immensely. He needed someone to blame and I became the obvious choice. He restored to drinking and came home late. When I was young he treated me like a princess, his princess. He never let anyone near me and spoiled me rotten but after my mother's death things changed." I said, tears brimming in my eyes while Antonio rubbed my back soothingly "He became bitter towards me. But the abuse didn't start till I was almost fourteen, he came home one day drunk out of his mind and started shouting at me saying how I reminded him of my mother and that he couldn't stand to look at me. He punched me in the face and kicked me in the stomach, I didn't have anyone at that time so I remained quiet. When I turned fourteen he 'accidentally' broke my arm, fortunately my neighbours saw the state of my arm and offered to take me to the hospital. He married my step mom some time later and she used to do the same to me, she left him though. I was their punching bag, they enjoyed beating me to pulp every night. When I was fifteen he broke my ankle. By that time I had mastered the art of lying about my injuries so no one suspected a thing. At seventeen I met Carter and things started to get a bit better, he was my first real friend, a person who actually cared about me. At first I hid everything from him as well but one day he saw a bruise on my stomach and wouldn't drop it so I was forced to tell him. He was furious and wanted to go beat up my father but I begged him not to. He refused to let me go back in that house so I started living with him. That's when the threats from my father started. He said that if I didn't come back he'll kill me, he was obsessed with making my life a living hell. But Carter refused to let me go back to him. I've never had someone genuinely care for me before him. When I turned Eighteen, Carter and I moved here. It was difficult to adjust to this new life but we got through it together." I said. I wasn't even aware I was crying till Antonio wiped the tears from my face. I put my head in his neck and started sobbing uncontrollably.

"He's not worth your tears baby, don't cry." he said softly, rubbing circles on my waist.

After a while my sobs died down and I just sat their for a while in Antonio's arms where I felt safe, until he pulled me back.

He looked into my eyes "No one will ever hurt you again Mia Bella. I'll protect you always." He said with so much sincerity.

Our faces were so close, it made my breath hitch. His eyes flickered to my lips before locking with mine again as he slowly leaned in. My arms wrapped around his neck as he crashed his lips to mine. Our lips moved against each other slowly at first but then it became more vigorous. Antonio's arms tightened around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. My fingers tangled in his hair and I pulled on them softly as he groaned. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted him and his tongue tasted every inch of my mouth. One of his hands left my waist and came up to my chest grabbing my boob. He squeezed it lightly and I moaned into his mouth. I was getting breathless and he seemed to understand that and pulled away resting his forehead against mine. My hands automatically travelled to my lips and felt the swollen skin on them. He smirked at my action and I blushed furiously.

"Don't be embarrassed, baby." he said
as he chuckled lowly.
Antonio's pov

I came out of the shower and put on a pair of sweatpants and a t shirt. Corina was in the living room watching a movie with the rest so I decided to make a quick phone call.

"Hello?"came Scott's voice through the phone.

"Scott, I need you to get all the information you can on Corina's father. Find him and bring him to the East wing cells. Report to me when it's done. Am I clear?" I said sternly. My mafia is divided into two wings, East and West, for better communication and to keep things organised.

"Yes sir." he said and I hung up.

That bastard was going to pay for hurting my babygirl. I remained calm for her when she told me because I knew she couldn't deal with my anger at that time. I'm glad she trusts me and opened up to me. I just wonder when I'll be ready to open up to her as well, to be vulnerable in front of her like she was in front of me. My whole life I was throwing myself into work, not really giving time or attention to my feelings and what mattered to me but now I want to share my feelings with someone who's willing to listen.

I went down to the living room where Heath and Kate were sitting on separate loveseats and Corina was snuggled into a sofa wrapped up in a blanket staring at the screen. As if she could feel my stare, her eyes met mine, she blushed and quickly averted her gaze back to the screen.

I smirked. Ever since we've kissed she's been blushing every time she sees me, probably remembering that moment. The way her soft lips moulded against mine, they tasted so sweet, like honey. Just the thought of tasting them again made blood rush to my dick.

I walked over to her, picking her up and sat back down with her in my lap hugging her to my chest and nuzzling my face into her neck as she shivered.

We watched the movie until I noticed that she was getting sleepy.

"Come on, let's go to bed." I said, standing up, with her in my arms.

"No I wanna watch the rest of the movie!" She said with her eyes half closed and a pout on her full lips.

"Bella you can't even keep your eyes open." I said as her eyes drooped and she dozed off.

I shook my head smiling at her stubbornness. As I reached my room I laid her down on the bed. I stripped to my boxers and went under the covers pulling her into me so her back was against my chest and fell into a dreamless sleep.

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