Chapter 6: The sorting

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Draco yawned as the doors opened and they hopped off the train. The golden trio had talked about Azkaban, what they did over summer and the owl post, which had never came to Weasleys. Hermione had mentioned the NEWTs coming up on seventh years and that she wanted to do them so bad. Ron and Harry had shook their heads and said that they wouldn't want to do them - they're fifth years now, so it would be just two years difference. - and backed up.

Harry had gave Draco some snacks like apples and cookies. Granger had said that ferrets don't eat fruits nor pastries and that they eat meat but Draco and Harry had ignored the comment.

Harry looked down to Draco. "You ok?" the ferret nodded and walked a circle. "Ok what is it?" Draco had noticed the Slytherins standing two feet away from them. He glanced at them. "Go. But don't get caught, please." Draco's eyes widened. He looked happier now. He smiled to Harry and then turned around and walked to the Slytherins.

Theodore Nott was the first one to notice the white fur ball on their feet. "Oh hello there." He said and then squatted down. Theodore could be a cinnamon roll when he wanted but usually he's cold like all the Slytherins were taught to be. "Pansy come look!" He yelled. A second after Parkinson came to them and looked at Draco.

"A ferret?" She looked at Nott. "You turned someone into a ferret?" Draco snorted. Nott looked at Pansy with a glare, but then it turned into a grin.

"No, Pans. But it would be a great prank idea. Imagine if Potter turned into a ferret." Nott laughed. Draco hissed at the thought. Theodore stopped laughing and looked at Draco. "You're an angry one, aren't you. Are you wild?" Nott asked, looking up at Pansy. Pansy shook her head and hands.

"No, Theo no. We're not going to have him to be ours." Draco jumped up to his rear paws and showed the collar to them. "Look. He's someone else's." Pansy said, slightly relieved at the fact.

Nott looked at the collar. Quickly he snatched it on his hands and read it. Then he released his grip of Draco and looked at Pansy. "It says: 'If lost, return to Harry Potter'." Pansy kneeled down beside Nott and whispered something to his ear.

Draco was sick of the crap the two of them did now, so he just left. He walked back to Harry. He could feel the stares on him. He would've wanted to snap at them from the staring, but no one wouldn't care less, because he was an animal.


"Hey Harry." Hannah Abbot waved at Harry as the group of Hufflepuffs walked off the boats. Harry smiled back at the girl. Some of the Hufflepuffs - including Cedric Diggory - gave stares at the ferret on Harrys shoulder. Draco ignored them and got more comfortable on Harry's shoulders as he closed his little eyes and listened as Harry talked to the Gryffindors.

"And then I-" Draco could hear Finnigan say before he winced to the sound of splashing water. He opened his eyes and saw Finnigan in the water, groaning. Dean Thomas helped him up. Draco couldn't get anything else out but a snort.

Longbottom turned to look at Draco. "He snorted?" the boy studied Draco in interest. Harry nodded and looked at Draco.

"He's a unique one." Draco felt flattered - in fact always as Harry said something nice to him, he felt flattered.

Then Harry stood up and hopped off the boat like the others did. Draco could see many people of the other houses talking together, he hadn't really noticed that on the earlier years because how his friends were all over him, asking what did he plan on doing with Quidditch or something. He saw Chang and Diggory sweet talking, which made him gag. His gaze moved on and on to different students. He saw Wood and some of the Gryffindor Quidditch team members talking intensively about something. Wood was blushing? Then he heard Marcus Flint's voice shout something what made the Gryffindors annoyed. Flint was annoying, he thought. In second year he had yelled at Draco because Harry had caught the snitch first. He saw Susan Bones running past them and a second after her, Miles Bletchley. He looked as the Hufflepuff and Slytherin made their way up to Hogwarts.

"What are you staring at?" Harry asked, half whispering. Draco sighed and shook his head. Harry hummed, his gaze stopped on Ron and Hermione, they we're holding hands. He smiled to himself and raised his hand to pet Draco. Draco was surprised as the soft skin of the Gryffindor's hand touched his fur. He relaxed more and then cuddled up to Harry's neck. If Pansy or Blaise would see me now...


The big door of the Great Hall opened and all of the students filled the room up. Harry, Ron and Hermione walked to the Gryffindor table and sat down. He let Draco down on his lap to get food from the table. Harry looked up and saw the familiar candles hanging from the ceiling. He watched as the sorting of the first years started with Dumbledore's speech. Harry's eyes wandered on the teachers. He saw Lupin there and he smiled. It was nice to know that Remus was okay.

A gasp snapped him out of his thoughts. Lavender was pointing at something. The something was Draco - or in this case, Silver - who was glaring at Lavender, apple on his paws. Lavender looked at Harry instead of Draco now.

"What is that?" She asked, with disgust in her voice. Her skin was oddly pale and voice shaky. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"He's a ferret. Harry's ferret." Hermione whispered, not interrupting the sorting. Lavender shot Draco a irritated look. Draco glared back and then showed his teeth. Lavender shifted uncomfortably on her seat as Draco bit on the apple and glared at her at the same time. Draco could be cocky if he wanted and that he was now. He spit the seeds to the table in front of Lavender and glared at her. Romilda awed at Draco and winked at Harry. That made Draco spit another pair of seeds, but now towards Romilda. The girl gasped and huffed. Ron looked at Harry raising a brow, but Harry shrugged it off.

"Chelsea Gates!" McGonagall exclaimed and the students cheered. Both, Harry and Draco froze. They stared at the girl walking to the sorting hat and sitting down to the chair.

"Hmm.. This is interesting. Hufflepuff!" The sorting hat shouted and Chelsea smiled. She spotted Harry and Draco and waved, in a second she was on the Hufflepuff table.


"What was that all about?" Dean asked Harry. He had seen the wave to Harry and had his attention in Harry. Seamus cut Dean out as they walked towards the Gryffindor dorms.

"You know her?" Harry couldn't answer. He was shocked. But a hand, waving over his face, made him zone back to reality. Ron was staring at him.

"Are you feeling fine?" he asked. Harry answered him with a nod. Draco was laying on Harry's shoulder looking around the corridor. They turned into the staircase room where were all the stairs which were switching their places every minute. Draco looked around the portraits and thought about their pasts. He didn't know why, but they were interesting.

Harry walked through the stairs and made his way to the fat lady's portrait. He whispered the password and the door opened. A pair of Weasleys were there waiting for them in the common room. Harry smiled to the twins.

"Hello Harry!" Both of them said in sync.

"We're happy to see that-" the other - known as Fred - started.

"you're feeling okay." George finished. Ron gave them a questioning gaze. The twins flashed their charming smiles to Ron and walked away.

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