Chapter 9: Care of Magcal Creatures class

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Harry ran out of the room and stopped instantly to see Hermione and Ron kissing in front of his nose. Failing he fell on the two and Draco gripped on Harry's robes. Hermione and Ron stopped kissing and Hermione gasped.

"Harry!" She looked at Harry — now in her arms — who blushed of embarrassment. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I am." He looked up to her and gave her a faint smile. Draco's grip was loosening and he almost dropped to the floor before Harry stood up and for that, Draco poked Harry's head with his nose and huffed. "Sorry." Harry mumbled.

"Let's go outside. Hagrid's class is there anyway." Ron recommended a bit flustered. Harry smiled and nodded.


"Then I threw a hex at her. She was so scared-" Parkinson told to her fellow Slytherins how she had hexed a girl. Of course it was a lie, Draco thought. But who would not listen or believe what she says. His gaze moved to the Gryffindors instead of Slytherins. He looked as Lavender glared at Hermione — and what he had seen when he and Harry crashed into the Weasel and Granger snogging — jealously.

Next thing he knew — and saw — was that Hagrid suddenly picked him up and hugged him. The disgust in Draco's platinum eyes was immense. He could hear Harry snicker at him, so he decided to get out of Hagrid's grip and jump down. And that he did. But, then as he hopped off the tall man's shoulders, he heard gasps all over the place. He saw it all in slow motion. There were many students with horror in their eyes. The jump was extremely higher than he'd thought. It was twelve and a half meters. He colsed his eyes for a second and was ready to break his paws.

The group of Gryffindor girls screamed and Harry's eyes widened as Draco hopped off. Harry didn't think. He just did it. He jumped and caught the animal a second before he would've hit the ground. As Draco opened his eyes, he met the glowing green ones, which belong to his crush. Harry smiled at him. That made Draco's heart melt. God, he didn't like Harry. He loved him.

Harry's heart was still racing and he didn't know why, as he petted Draco and put him back on his shoulders. He turned his gaze up and saw everyone staring at him.

"Um. Hello." He waved. Draco buried his head on Harry's neck to get him stop. Harry drifted quickly to Hermione and Ron.

"That was so close, mate." Ron sighed. Harry nodded. "are you alright?" Harry stared at Ron.

"Do I look like I'm hurt?" he sassed. Ron stared back. Harry didn't know what was in him, but he didn't feel like talking to Hermione nor Ron. So he walked through the crowd of students over to Hagrid.

"Oh I'm so sorry 'Arry!" Hagrid apologized. Draco huffed and climbed up on Harry's head.

"Silver what are you doing?" Harry asked the ferret. Draco paced around Harry's head and sat down. "Sliver don't even think about-" Harry couldn't finish his sentence as he saw a peek of Draco's white fur on the corner of his eye and then felt Draco licking his forehead. "No. Stop." Harry chuckled. Hagrid studied the two after Draco had stopped licking Harry.

"Yer ferret an' yer are together all the time, yeh?" Hagrid asked. Harry nodded as Draco hopped down to his shoulders. "I can see the connection between ya two." the nearly twelve feet tall man spoke again. Draco could feel the heat on his little animal cheeks spreading.

"Harry!" A girl's voice yelled out. "Oh sorry. Did I interrupt something?" Harry turned around to see Romilda standing there. Harry shook his head. "Okay. I want to talk to you Harry. After classes."

"Um- I'm sorry Romilda but I have plans for today." The girl's eyes started to water. Draco could see through her. It was fake. "Oh no Romilda don't cry-" but then Romilda ran away.

"Why are girls so complicated?" Harry stared after her, groaning. Draco hopped off Harry's shoulder. "What are you-" the ferret started to run a circle. Harry smiled as the white animal started to slow down. "Don't get yourself killed." Harry chuckled and kneeled down to snatch the ferret back, but Draco dodged him easily and ran down the road what they we're on.

Harry started to chase Draco and yell his to come back, but the ferret didn't stop. In one point Harry took his wand out.

"Locomotor!" He casted the spell. Draco's eyes widened as he started to float in the air. Harry quickly flicked his wand down and Draco landed down to the ground on his feet. "Don't do that again." Harry panted. Draco stuck his tongue out and started to jog back to the others.

As Harry reached Draco — who was now watching as Hermione tried to make her way to the Buckbeak— he leaned onto Ron's shoulder.

"Mate, where were you?" the ginger asked Harry. He panted and then took a deep breath, glaring at Draco.

"Silver and I played a game." He said, very fast. Ron glanced at Draco. Then back at Harry.

"You played a game." Ron muttered. "A game. A literal game. With your ferret?" Harry nodded. Actually, now that he thought about it, it sounded really weird.

"You know." Harry exhaled. "Chasing eachother and stuff." He smiled. The smile widened as he saw Draco looking up to him. "Come on. Jump on." Harry said and extended his arm towards the ferret. Ron watched at him in utter confusion. Draco hopped on Harry's arm and climbed up to his shoulders. Ron's jaw basically dropped to the ground.

"The fact that you can speak parseltongue, but you can speak to animals too?!" he said in amazement. Harry chuckled.

"I can't speak to animals." Harry petted Draco. "We just have a connection." then Draco did something surprising — which he never had done before — he purred.

Harry's look softened more as the ferret closed his eyes and relaxed. Ron stared at them. "A connection." Ron repeated. Hermione screamed.

"Ron! I did it!" she ran towards the Weasley boy and straight to his arms, gaining a glare from Lavender. She looked at Ron in the eyes and kissed him, closing them.

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