Chapter 25: Nice face

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In a flash, Draco turned into his human form. Harry looked at the boy deeply into his eyes.

"Where were you?" he asked playing with his thumbs. Draco gave him a very unusual toothy smile and grabbed Harry's hand.

"Watch." Draco closed his eyes and breathed deeply in and out. With another flash he was gone and all what was left was a white ferret. Harry raised his eyebrows as the ferret on his hand turned back to his human form. "I'm an animagi."

"Cute, but what? What happened?" Draco rubbed the back of his neck.

"I don't know. Just my luck, I guess." Harry chuckled at the taller boy. He really adored how Draco's hair was so silver like blonde at night. Shyly Harry got closer to Draco and laid his head on the other boy's chest.

"Your stupid hair is tickling me." Draco whispered to his ear, making him shiver.

"Deal with it.." he mumbled and then silently and slowly drifted into a deep sleep as Draco watched him in awe. Harry's smiley face made Draco want to tell how much he loved him but that still wouldn't help the feeling to go away. It was not like he wanted it to go away, he just wanted to sleep once like this.


Harry woke up into the scent of mint. Strange.

He stretched his arms and then realized he was not in his own bed. Draco was sleeping next to him. His face was radiant. He looked so happy. Happier than ever. Harry bit his lip and then let his index finger poke the blonde's cheek. Draco's eyes flickered open and he sat up.

"I guess I have to leave." he slowly began to stand up groggily as Harry muttered something and then got hold of Draco's hand.

"You forgot something." Harry said, blushing already. He tiptoed to Draco and gave a small kiss to his cheek where he had poked him.

"Why are you so adorably stupid?" Draco grinned, dreamily.

"I'm not stupid but adorable; yes."

"Whatever you say, Potter." Draco mocked him playfully. "Well see in classes?"

"You know, we have a break. The Christmas break." Harry laughed out as looking out to the snowy courtyard of the castle. Draco hummed to respond. "But we'll see. Have fun."

"Will do." Draco said, before going out of the common room to see his friends in the dungeons. Harry sighed happily as the door closed. He flipped his nose up and watched the ceiling.
He just stood there for about three minutes, looking at the ceiling. Someone came into the room as Harry dropped his gaze back down looking delighted.

Seamus walked around the room trying to find something. Few minutes after that, Dean came in and scared Seamus to death by imitating Snape. Harry followed them with his glowing eyes and sipping his hot chocolate as they chased eachother around the room laughing. They would make a cute couple.

"How come you didn't go to your homes to Christmas?" Harry suddenly asked and the two of them stopped playing around.

"I got kicked out.." Seamus said nervously and then looked at Dean who nodded. "for being with Dean." Harry spit his hot chocolate out.


"I'm gay, Harry." Seamus admitted, holding back tears in his eyes. Harry's eyes drifted to Dean and back to Seamus.

"I'm happy to hear that." he beamed. Dean and Seamus — who rubbed his eyes — sighed in relief as Harry smiled.

Next to come to the common room were Hermione, Lavender and Katie who had decided to not go to home for Christmas. The girls sat down together and started talking. Harry yawned and laid down back to the sofa where he had slept the night. He felt kinda lonely when Draco wasn't with him. He wanted to feel the warmth of Draco and his arms around him.

However he decided to not lay there and waste his time. He got up and went to get something good to wear for the upcoming day. He entered the dorms with a high pitched screech as he saw Romilda there.

"Romilda! Oh Merlin, why are you here?" he questioned the girl. Romilda moved closer.

"I want to dance with you because from a very stupid reason we couldn't do that yesterday. And you could buy me a new dress because the other got ruined by someone." she said happily but then again angrily. "And you could take me to a trip to somewhere expensive." Harry backed up.

"Um... Romilda I don't think- I don't want to dance with you and I don't have to buy you a new dress or go to a trip with you." Harry enunciated clearly to her to understand. Romilda snorted.

"Oh come on, I know you want to." Harry was getting really annoyed with her attitude she had on.

"I really don't, sorry." Harry retorted. Frustrated and annoyed, he threw his arms up to the air and groaned.

"But you-"

"Romilda stop it. I don't like you. I've found someone else. I'm not interested, okay?" Harry snapped turning around to face her. Romilda's face flamed red from anger.

"Fine! I didn't like you anyway." and with that, she left.


"Hi Ginny." Harry said and sat down to the empty Gryffindor table with only Ginny sitting there. Her orange hair was pretty much like always, loosened and straight.

"Harry, how are you? Are we going to train today?" she extolled. Harry nodded and looked at her happiness in his eyes.

"I'm brilliant. Everything is brilliant. I'm just so happy right now. And yeah, the training continues."

Ginny smiled and then stood up taking her stuff with her and waving bye to Harry. She walked away, leaving Harry stare at the table. But not long after that, the Slytherins came in who hadn't left home for Christmas. Harry saw Draco there who didn't see him. He had his sharp look on the door what closed after Ginny. As the door had been shut, Draco found himself staring at Harry and Harry staring back at him.

"Nice face, Potter!" Draco suddenly smirked and his friends laughed at the 'joke'. Harry shook his head.

"I know." he answered sassily.

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