Chapter 27: Truths

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Draco smirked and then hissed at Theo. He licked his lips and then looked to his right. No one was there nor left, so he closed his eyes and turned into his human form. Sitting on the table his blond hair fell on his forehead so he blew it away and huffed.

Harry sat there in silence, breathing heavily as Theodore went poker-faced. He stared at Draco who was still smirking.

"Draco- how- why the hell?" Theodore stammered, his face whiter than usual. Draco rolled his eyes and jumped down from the table. He gave a smile to Harry and then changed it to serious as he reached Theo.  

"I'm an animagi, Theo." he stated simply and then raised his brow. "Got a problem with Potter?"

"What? You're Silver- wait- don't you dare to say that you've been with him the whole time?!"  Theodore shrieked wide eyed. Draco bit on his lip a little and then sighed. He has to tell him either way.

"Theo, yeah I have and don't please freak out or kill him. Or I'll kill you." he muttered the last part under his breath. Theodore's mouth fell open. Draco looked at his feet and then closed his eyes. "I'm gay." Those words slipped off of his mouth and a clearly shocking silence fell into the Great Hall as the three boys shut their mouths. Theodore was the first one to speak.

"You? A queer? Shut up Draco." he snorted but looked at the blonde boy who had his serious look on his face. Draco's face didn't move but his eyes bored into Theodore. He opened his lips to say something but then shut it. "What? You are serious? No, Draco. What the fuck? No." panic glowed in his eyes. "Draco. No, shut up. No." Harry stood up and walked up to Draco. "Wait. Potter? You're like, shagging with Potter?! What the-"

"Nott, shut up." Harry hissed and turned his head around to see Draco with his lips not up. He observed the boy for a second and then changed his attention back to Nott. "What if he is? It's nothing to be ashamed of, right?" he sassed again. Nott gagged and coughed.

"You really do that? Wow." he laughed nervously and backed up. Harry crossed his arms and scoffed. Draco raised his head up and then captured Harry's hand on his own — not caring that someone could walk in.

"Look, Theodore. I hate the word homophobia. It's not a phobia. You're not scared. You're an asshole. So fuck off." Nott gave them a dirty look and then hurried away taking his stuff with him. The door closed and Harry sighed.

"Why do people hate us so much?" Draco turned to him. He licked his lips and took Harry's other hand to his. Soon Draco had Harry's hands on his, up in the air. He smiled shyly and brought them closer to his mouth and plant a small kiss on the raven haired boy's hand. Blushing, Harry pulled Draco closer to him and hugged him.

"Haters don't really hate you. In fact, they hate themselves because you're a reflection of what they wish to be." Draco spoke to his ear softly. "I hated you, because you were so smart, brave, lovely and because I knew I couldn't get you no matter what I try. But somehow you fell for me too." Harry smiled with his eyes closed and still in the hug.

He pulled slowly away and sent a cheeky smile to Draco. "Thank you." he got a soft smile back from Draco too.

"Up for cuddles?" Draco questioned shyly.

"I want to do something first."


Harry walked into the common room nervously with the tiny ferret on his shoulders. He took a deep breath and then began to speak.

"Everyone, could I get your attention?" the room went quiet and all of the people in there turned to him. "I know it's been a while since we last talked, and I know you've noticed that I haven't been myself. It's true, and sometimes I just don't know how to keep lugging around this weight with me not knowing what will happen if I share it with someone, or at least ask for help in carrying the load." he let the words slip out of his mouth just like that. "I'm bisexual. I've been bisexual for a while now and I've known I was different since I was small. Please know that I wouldn't be coming to you now with this information if there were other options, so please don't ask me if I'm sure or if I think I can still change my mind." the Gryffindor students didn't talk.

"I was born this way." Harry shut his eyes to block a tear slipping down to his cheeks. "Please don't ask me to try dating the opposite sex, because I have tried, or at least considered it and rejected it as much as you would reject the suggestion of dating the same sex. I know that sometimes same-sex crushes can be a phase for some, and if that were the case with me I'd tell you (or wouldn't have to tell you) that it's just a meaningless crush." Romilda stared at Harry in silence like everyone else but just more intense.

"Accept me. Please know that I've been thinking about telling you for a long time, and I didn't have to tell you now, or at all. But I don't know, maybe something in me is saying that you'll love me no matter what, you're a part of my family." tears slid down his face."I hope that you will still love me and respect me the way you always have, the way you've embraced me and the person I've become, the way you have loved everything about me before everything I've told you today."

Percy and Oliver stared at Harry in utter surprise. "I love you, and it's taken all my strength to take the biggest risk of my life by asking you today to love me too. All of me, the way I love all of you."

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