Chapter 13: The Cat and The Rat

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The raven haired boy paced around the dorm with the brown book in his hands. "Due to the applied, precise nature of Transfiguration magic there is a large potential for it to go disastrously wrong, even for the experts. This is especially true if the practitioner is not taking things seriously." He ran to the bed and grabbed his empty parchment and quill with ink. He scrabbled few things on it and put the book down. Draco looked at him from the floor as he sat there. Harry shot a quick glance at him and then shoved the quill and parchment away.

Hedwig hooted twice as she landed on Harry's desk and grabbed a letter from it. The brunette nodded and sent the owl away. He let the book on his nose again. "If it is done improperly, the Transfigured object can become half-Transfigured or permanently stuck in one state, whether fully or partially Transfigured." he licked his lips and pointed at Draco —not raising his gaze from the book. "So you're fully transfigured."

The door made a soft swishing noise and was followed by two sets of footsteps. One set kept walking until Harry knew someone was behind him, but the other person took their time getting through the door, their footfalls sounding a little disjointed.

"Harry! There you are!" he finally turned around. He met Ginny's face. "I know I shouldn't be here, but everyone's looking for you. Ron and Hermione haven't seen you today. And I haven't seen you in ages. I heard what happened to Seamus, he's going to be back in a day, right?"

Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, he's fine not counting the fact that he's traumatized of going out to Forbidden Forest." he pointed out and the ginger girl nodded. Her freckled cheeks were light pink as she spoke again.

"We should go." Harry nodded once and grabbed his supplies. He ran to get Draco and sprinted out. And instantly as he was out of the dorm, he ran into Romilda.

They both locked their eyes and the girl apologized for her lost of sight. Harry told her it was okay and continued his way to the common room. Ginny had her arms crossed and muttered something under her breath.

Draco had jumped to Harry's shoulders once again and glared at the both girls when he could. He gripped on Harry's gray school uniform and sneered a bit as they passed the she-Weasel.

Harry met Ron's frustrated eyes and walked to the boy. "Help me Harry!" Ron begged. "Her cat's here again! And now as I got a new rat, I'm doomed! It's going to kill Scabbers Jr!" Harry cracked a laugh and shook his head to the pleading boy. In fact, after Scabbers had became Pettigrew to them, Ron had been thinking of buying a new rat and did so.

"It's not Crookshanks! It's your Scabbers Jr who's making things worse." the bush headed girl stated and stood up from the sofa, waving to Harry. Harry basically ignored Hermione and stared at the window. "Harry? Are you feeling good?"

"Uh- brilliant actually." he said and zoned back to reality. He looked as Fred and George left the room and Percy glared at them. He swore the twins had praked their own brother and Percy — as a prefect — had gave them detention or something. He followed as Parvati and Lavender probably gossiped about something they had heard.

Draco got bored and tugged Harry's hair slightly. Harry sat down to a chair and let Draco to his lap. "No worries, you're back in here in a day or two." Harry smiled. Draco smiled back.


"Hey Harry!" Someone chimed as Harry walked out of the Great Hall. He, Ron and Hermione had been studying there for a while and Harry, of course had been studying transfiguration, with Draco on his side the whole time. Some people had been talking to Harry and just giving him compliments and everything but Harry didn't even know why. There were lots of those who were nice to him.

"Potter and his filthy ferret." and those who weren't.

"What do you want Bulstrode?" Harry spat. Millicent glared at him.

"Just wanted to ask the usual. What did you do to him?" Harry sighed.

"Listen up, I didn't do anything to Malfoy. I don't know anything about him. And I don't care." He pushed past Millicent and walked away. Draco rolled his eyes and jogged after Potter.

"Hey. Wanna skip potions?" Harry asked as they had walked in the silence for a moment. Draco thought about it. If he'd skip they'd do more studying for the transfiguration, and if they wouldn't skip, they'd listed Snape drop Gryffindor's points down. After for a few minutes of thinking, he nodded. The duo turned on their heels and walked back to the dormitories.


The hour was pretty much over as the two were drown in the book. First Harry leaped up. "Draco. I think I have the spell." The ferret looked at him worry all over his face. "Oh come on, it has to work. I've been reading a lot remember. But I'll have to test it." his eyes landed on a cockroach on the other side of the window beside him.

"Varies." Harry said quickly, pointing at the cockroach, what was quickening it's growing and forming into a human. The girl was nearly ten feet tall and really not that good looking. Harry's eyes widened. "Ok it works." he slurred and quickly casted another spell to undo the earlier. He laid his gaze on Draco. "Want to try?"

Draco didn't know if it was going to work or not, but why wouldn't they give it a shot, right?

He nodded and scrambled out of the bed to the middle of the Gryffindor drom. Harry however was focusing on his hand as he pointed the white animal and casted the spell. "Varies." again.

A flash of a white bright light blinded Harry for a quarter of a second. As the blurry bright sight of the room cleared, he saw Draco there, standing on his feet with an odd look on his face. His lips were curled a bit up but he wasn't smiling though. He had his black usual suit on what he used at home in between the breaks.

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