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italics ~ elliot

bold ~ carter

tuesday may 1st 5:16 pm est

elliot: its may!

elliot: why am i excited? good question my good sir

elliot: because i officially have a week left of school 

elliot: i just have to do my finals and then i graduate!

elliot: which is so fucking insane because i feel like i was a freshman like a month ago

elliot: then i have to worry about getting a job and adulting but that's a week away so who cares

carter: do i even need to answer you

carter: you and yourself seem to be having a good conversation already

carter: but congrats (almost) grad!

elliot: true, i don't need you but i like talking to you so sucks you're just stuck with me forever

carter: that is the one thing you will never hear me complain about

elliot: and thanks! let's hope they give me my degree

carter: they will

carter: and if they don't i will find them

carter: and i will kill them

elliot: woah woah woah calm down there liam neeson 

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