
8.1K 300 44

italics ~ elliot

bold ~ carter

monday may 14th 7:22 am est

carter: good morning

carter: thanks for not letting me die last night

elliot: it was no problem

elliot: and if you died i'd probably maybe be sad idk 

carter: wow that's so touching thank you

elliot: you're welcome

elliot: anyway guess what!

carter: you actually got a fish??

elliot: we both know i would kill  that poor fish by accident

carter: true

carter: no fish then huh?

elliot: luckily for the fish, no

elliot: i have an interview today! 

carter: yes you go grad congrats!

elliot: it's just to be an assistant, but i get paid!

elliot: so i get to look down upon the unpaid interns

elliot: might even spit on one of them idk yet still deciding

carter: i'd like to go on the record in favor of you spitting on an intern

elliot: duly noted, i will factor that into my decision

elliot: anyway i have to go practice my sucking up face

elliot: because at this point the person interviewing me might think i'm constipated

carter: good luck el

carter: you're going to kill it

elliot: thanks c 

carter: let me know how it goes

elliot: sir yes sir

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