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italics ~ elliot

bold ~ carter

monday september 17th 4:26 pm est

carter: hey el

elliot: yess?

carter: i've got news

elliot: congratulations! is it a boy or a girl? 

elliot: actually it doesn't matter you can name it after me either way

carter: yes i'm definitely pregnant you got me

elliot: i know i'm just a genius 

carter: anyway in other news 

carter: i just landed in new york

elliot: oh

carter: yeah

elliot: that's so crazy i'm in new york too!!

carter: no really?

carter: what a coincidence

elliot: isn't it

elliot: i also happen to have nothing to do after work tomorrow...

elliot: maybe someone would want to meet up with me for dinner?

carter: i think that someone would

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