Chapter 1.) No Choice

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Tom sat in the darkness coughing up blood, the taste of it metallic and bitter his tounge. Feeling the chain around his neck and arm tighten, tom looks around distressed. He's coming, he's coming. Tom shrinks back into a much darker corner of the room, hoping the horned man won't see him. But his none stop coughing doesn't help, as he spits out more blood.
"Thomas don't hide" A familiar voice singsongs, making the eyeless brit growl in annoyance, as he listened to the clicking of the red leaders boots on marbled flooring. Tom couldn't see the norwegian in the darkness, but he could tell that he had a smile on his scared face. Click, click, click. Suddenly lights flash on, blinding tom, the leader a blur.
"Tsk, you've been coughing up your blood thomas" the horned man scowls, toms vision clears and he see's the cinnamon brown haired male standing over him, wearing a long red trench coat with many badges tom couldn't read, nor understand. The right side of his face bandaged up, hiding the horrible, scared skin on his face. A robotic arm replaced a once human arm, the robotic arm was also red with blue lights. And one cold silver eye. Tom frowned.
"You're not giving up on me are you, thomas?" He asked with an evil smirk, watching the chained man with amused humor.
"Don't call me that, commie!" Tom spat angerly, his voice hoarse and dry. The communist laughed, so tom still didn't like being called thomas, how surprising. Tom started coughing again, and groaned when he finally stopped. The leader smiled.
"Someone bring prisoner 167 to the infirmory,NOW!" He ordered into a walki-talki, and as on cue a soldier answered.
"Yes red leader, sir" a red army soldier than rushed in, unchaining tom and dragging the brit away, the horned man following. Tom smiled to himself, at how careless tord was. Only having one soldier carry him. Using his last bit of strength, tom elbowed the red soldier in the gut, not realising tord had followed the two. Grabbing the soldiers gun, tom shot them. Keeping the gun, he turned and ran. But tord was ahead of him. Ten soldiers blocked toms pass, holding pistols at his face. Ready to shoot on command. Tom hissed turning around, as tom turned to him, tord laughed. It was a cold and unfriendly sound.
"Oh, dear tom, how far did you think you'd get? Especially in this condition" he said, watching the short male hesitate, tom still holding his dead soldiers gun in his hands.
"Get outta my way you mother fucker!" Tom snarled pointing the gun at the red leader. Even if he did shoot tord, he was sure to die, one of the many soldiers would surely shoot him. Tord stayed put, not showing an ownc of worry. Though tom shot a soldier, he knew tom wouldn't shoot him. He didn't need to exsplain how he knew he wouldn't shoot, he just knew.
"Go ahead old friend, shoot" Tord hummed softly, tom loaded the gun, his finger on the triger, hand shaking.
"I'm not your friend" Tom snapped back, tord expected that answer and chuckled, taking a step towards thomas. Tom watched the man's movements and held the gun up.
"Stay back commie or I'll shoot" he warned, trying to keep hesitation out of his voice. But tord was sure to catch it, and catch it he did. He ran at tom, and tom shot. But he was stupid and aimed wrong, missing the red leader completely. Tom collapsed under tords weight, after all he had used all his strenght to kill only one of tord's soldiers. The red armies leader pinned tom to the ground, his foot on the eyeless man's chest. Tom struggled weakly, trying to push tords foot off his chest in an effort to escape.
"Nice try tommy, but now I'll give you the choice again" Tord offered, tom kept silent. So tord continued.
"Join the Red Army" tom laughed weakly, a fit of coughs following until he could speak.
"How bout no, you fucking communist bastard! I'll never join your pathetic excuse of an army!" Tom snarled, still pinned under tords foot. Tord frowned.
"Let me rephrase that, you have no choice tom. Your joining the red army!" Tord hisses back at the short male. Tom shrinks under tords gaze and words.
"Lame" he replied plainly, not knowing what else to say or having a comeback. The leader returned to a formal posture, folding his arms behind his back as he stares down tom with his single, silver eye. Slowly a malicious smile formed upoun his face, as a genius plan popped up in his head, he knew would work.
"Nevermind bringing thomas to the infirmary, bring him to the laboratory instead" tom jolted, his blood going cold. Panic flooded over him as tord removed his foot and two soldiers grabbed him, not making the same mistake again. A hazziness springs at tom, pulling him into a tired state. Trying to fight back the urge to pass out, tom struggles making the soldier think he was trying to escape. So one clocks him in the side of the head with their gun and toms body gose limp, him blacking out.


Hope you injoyed this first part of my tomtord future au fanfiction, hopefully I'll be able to add longer chapters. Bye X3

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