Chapter 12.) Answers

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Tords P.O.V

Tord sat at his desk, writing down things on paper. But his mind kept trailing off to his problem with tom. Tom was now never showing any emotion towards him, not even hate! And that was something tom usually showed towards him. But now? The quietness from tom and the listening to commands. It just felt wrong. Very wrong. Tord thought, yes he wanted tom to listen to him an all. But he also wanted tom to be his normal, angery, self. But all he got now from tom was a cold shoulder. And tord hated it, disliked it to his very core. He wanted the old tom back. The one that would glare at him with pure hatred and annoyance. The tom that would call him 'commie' just to get a rise out of tord. He wanted the old tom back, not this cold, emotionless, version of tom. Tord growled.
"Isn't this what you wanted? Him to listen to you, obey you?" He asks himself, a frown set on his face. Disappointed in himself. Tord sighed, rubbing his temples with his normal hand, while the robot one was clenched in a fist out of fusteration. He than decided he wanted answers, answers from tom. Weather tom would tell him freely, or by tords own will. So grabbing the speaker, that announced things publicly to the soldiers, the horned male spoke into it.
"Thomas, Thomas Ridgewell to my office. Asap" he commanded, than turned the speaker off as he waited for the short britt to enter his office. After at least ten minutes or so tom walks into tords office, a cold expression set on his face.
"Sir? You asked for me?" He states/questions. Tord stands up and nods, a serious expression on his own face.
"Yes th-tom, I did. I have some questions" he says, walking out from behind his desk and towards tom.
"And what may those questions be?" Tom asked, pixelated eyes focused on the red leader. Tord stopped, as he now stood in front of the short britt.
"What's bothering you? And why are you so distant/cold, towards me?" He ask, tone dead serious. Tom expression seems to falter as the britt growls in fusteration.
"I-i don't know what your talking about sir" he says, trying to put on the same mask. But tord refused to allow that.
"Don't lie to me thomas!" He shouts, than steps back shaking his head and trying to calm down. As tom stays still nervously.
"*sigh* Just stop hiding how you feel.... It bothers me tom" the horned male says in defeat, not looking at the spiked haired male in front of him.

Tom's P.O.V

"*sigh* Just stop hiding how you feel.... It bothers me tom" the horned male said in defeat, not meeting toms gaze. Tom mask faltered, than broke all together. He had never expected tord to say something like that, usually the taller male didn't give a crap about how he felt. But now seeing the guy avoid gazes with him, this was something new. Something different, and tom didn't know how to feel about it.
"Ugh, stop moping commie and look me in the eye" tom groaned in annoyance. The horned "friend" looked up at tom and smiled slightly.
"Well not that I'm thrilled by that nickname, it's good to here you call me it again" tord said, with a small chuckle. Tom just rolled his "eyes" and scoffed.
"Whatever, your the one that was all upset cause I was giving you the cold shoulder..... Also you are not forgiven" tom snapped back at tord, who frowned but nodded in understanment.
"Yeah... I get that. And I understand if you dont believe me, but..... I'm sorry thomas, I'm sorry for all the shit I put you through. I'm sorry for being an ass. And I'm...I'm sorry fo-for shooting...." the red leader trailed off, sobs escaping him as quilt piled and piled onto him. Tears running down his face as he whiped them away fiercely, trying not to look weak in front of tom, who stood there shocked. He had never seen tord cry about anything, or truly apologise. How did tom know he was truly apologizing. Well because tom has experienced many fake apologises from the guy. So this one he could tell was deffently real. Tord continued to sob, holding his face in his normal hand, while the robot one pointed at the door. Trying to tell tom to leave, the horned male didn't want tom to see him like this. Weak and unstable. But tom being tom, a stubborn jackass, who only listened to himself. He walked over to tord and knealed down and patted the man on the back a bit awkwardly.
"Ya don't need to cry, though I'm still upset about that whole thing. I'll believe your apologie.... For now" tom replied, not fully believing the cinnamon brown haired male fully, but than again you can't blame him. Tord looked up at tom, a disbelieving look on his face.
"B-but tom, why would you? Even a little bit? After all I've done...." the man squeaked, his voice cracking from crying. Tom's expression softened a little as he patted the other on the back again.
"Don't ask me, I'm not even sure myself. Now stop crying, I'm pretty sure leaders don't cry in front of there soldiers" tom said, slightly teasing tord for crying. The other sighed and whiped his tears away, and stood up straight.
"Thanks jehovah, I needed that... and, I really am sorry" he said, giving the small britt a warm smile. Tom rolled his "eyes" again, and scoffed like he didn't care.
"Whatever red" he growled in annoyance, even though he really wasn't annoyed at all. The man in red chuckled.
"Aw, common I know your not really mad at me thomas~" tord sang out to the other, who glared at him.
"Shut up, or I'll tell your whole base you broke down and cried in front of me" tom threatened, the red leaders eyes widened a little. But than he settled down and smirked.
"Like they'll believe you tom, you have no proof" he laughed, tom smirked in return and tapped his headset.
"Oh really now? Remember I could have used this to record you" tord now stands up and glares at the second in command.
"Don't you dare!" He threatened, to which tom only shrugged.
"Whatever you say red leader" he than slowly begain to walk out, making tord think.
"Thomas I swear if you show anyone that I'll personally bring you to hell!"  Tom heared the other yell from inside his office, tom laughing his ass off at the thought of tord freaking out, and hoping with his little trust in him that  tom won't show others his break down. Soon a familiar cola lover aproched tom.
"What's so funny?" He asked, wanting to be part of whatever joke he missed, a slight pout on his face.
"Oh just tord, thinking he's all high and mighty and can get me to listen" edd raised a brow suspiciously.
"I thought you weren't talking to him, you know the "cold shoulder" and all?" The brown haired friend said, a questioning look on his face. Tom chuckled slightly and shrugged.
"Meh, he annoys me to much. Couldn't ignore him forever" tom snorted, the old cola lover chuckled.
"Guess so, glad to see you acting normal again" he than went silent as tom shot him a glare.
"What do you mean by that, acting normal again?" Tom asked, leaning towards the other who backed away. Hands raised in surrender.
"Well, I mean you were kinda quiet and how do i say this.... Less complainy" edd said, a worried expression on his face, as he hoped he didn't say the wrong thing. But to his luck he did as tom glared at him.
"Why you little shit, ill-" tom got cut off as edd corrected him.
"May i remind you I'm taller" he than ran off as tom tried to swing at him, the two running pass soldiers that dogded to the side as the two came bursting down the halls. Worried and confused looks on the other soldiers faces, as tom chased down edd.


Hello my lovelies, hears chapter 12! I can't believe I've made it to 12 chapters. I'm so happy you guys have stayed to read my story, and have been so pacient. You're all so amazing, and I can't ask for better readers. I love the little comments you guys leave. Some even make me laugh so much. Anyways, thank you all so much and make sure to leave a vote and a comment, and maybe even add this to your library for more! Also if you want fallow me as well! Hope you all have a wonderful day/night/ and evening. Bye for now~

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